I: am fascinated by shadows and reflections...have a strange fixation with hands and circuit boards (not necessarily together)...miss smoking solely for the patterns the smoke made...don't see my family often enough...don't eat meat but could not care less if you do...don't believe in conspiracy theories (shhhh, THEY might hear you)...feel guilty about going indoors sometimes...would love to go to Egypt and Petra, Jordan...will not discuss work when off the clock...find the Sun quite bothersome...sometimes feel like every cell in my body is trying to escape...adore my iPod...thought my sleep paralysis was demons when I was a kid (sometimes still have my doubts now)...like pigeons...love nerdy science/space crap...don't like going to sleep, but I don't like waking up...often watch busy traffic from overpasses...love road trips...don't deal well with transitions...believe in shadow people...don't trust people that keep birds as pets...probably don't like you as much as you think I do...love the feeling in the air before a good storm...dislike the phone, even if I like you I probably won't pick up when you call...don't get angry easily...like catching the streetlights click on at dusk...have an irrational aversion towards large airplanes and boats, they seem very unnatural to me...find people that read books while walking down the street rather insane...enjoy contradictions...have an extremely short attention span...get annoyed by people rather easily...find Sloths (the animal) incredibly odd and frightening, for no good reason... think reality TV is proof positive that there is no God...love the smell of freshly cut grass, early summer evenings, and your mom.I edited my profile with a frozen hotdog and a tiny kazoo.