~Nat~ profile picture


We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize it is preparing us for the dip in the road tha

About Me

I am a Mommy. I never thought that I would be the woman that I am today. When you have children it sure changes your Life. I Love to do different things now. To watch him grow is a amazing. I Love God he is 1st in my life. When you need a friend call upon him and he will be there. When I felt that my world was crashing, I cried out, and said give me something to live for, and he gave me the best gift that anyone could ever ask for. Not only that but he gave me a little boy that has modeled for several large companies. God is awesome. Sometimes God doesn't not answer our questions or our requests the way we want Him to. Sometimes His timing is not our timing, and sometimes His will is not our will. But ultimately we must surrender to Him, because no matter what we are facing, and what we are feeling. God's way, is the way. His will, WILL be done. I know sometimes we may feel like He is distant. Sometimes we feel like He is just not answering us, when we ask Him for something. But He is there. He looks upon our hearts. He knows our needs. And He never leaves us or forsakes us. I am asking God to send me a husband that is a man of God. His Father and I did not work out. I tried too many times to keep the relationship because of my son. But when you have two unequally yoked it will not work, no matter how hard that you try. I am asking God for a man that Loves Children and wants them also. They are defiently the best blessings that you could ever have. ("Look to all of you, (men) I am on Myspace to meet friends!" I get to many messages saying Hi Hot Momma, and Girl I want to get to know you better, and etc... Please if you are going to come at me like that, than please don't waste your time. I can be cool with all of you, (men) but have a little respect and maybe I will respond to your messages. The people that do know me, know that I am a very outgoing person, and Love to act a fool, so don't take what I am saying the wrong way.
Ethan you are my son, my best friend, my world. You have changed my life so much, that I could never imagine life without you. You came into my life unplanned but not unwanted. No matter how many people doubted Mommy, I knew that it was going to be all ok for the both of us. Ethan when I feel sad and overwhelmed with things in our life, you always seem to put a smile on my face. You are so young and yet very smart. You always dry Mommy's tears and say Mommy don't cry it is ok. I can remember when you were being born and the doctor's telling Mommy that you had all these problems with your heart. I began to cry and say God I will not accept this. And a week later they told Mommy that you were okay. Ethan you are a very strong little guy and Mommy is already very proud of you at such a young age. I know that you are going to grow up to be an amazing young man. Ethan Mommy will always be there for you. You are growing so fast and the things that you say are amazing. But I can also promise you that I will keep you safe and not let anyone ever harm you. I know that there are so many people that want to be involved in your life, or want to meet you, but I will give my best judgement on letting those in your Life.
You are my sister my best friend. You have always been my big sister. And I have looked up to you. I am also very thankful for everything that you have done for Ethan and I. When I tried to commit suicide you helped me through that, and told me that things would get better. And yes, things got better. I found out I was pregnant with my son ; that saved my life. At times I get upset with you and we have our disagreements about things, but I know that you are only looking out for my best interest. I admire you in so many ways. You work so very hard with 5 kids. I sure don't know how you do it. You have also helped me from day one with Ethan. I would of not have been the mommy that I am today for Ethan if you had not helped me all through the way. And the many nights that you would stay on the phone with me when he was sick. And when Dad died I was able to be the stronger one and holding you up. I don't know if I can ever repay you for all your love and support that you have shown me. But I can promise you that I will always be there for you. I love you very much. And I look forward to many more years with you by my side.
I love to go to Church, and sing my heart out..(boy I can't sing though)
I have one sister and two brothers
I have a very close family.
I have a shopping addiction.I don't think that there is a cure for..(LOL)
I am very hard headed and like things my way
Very open minded to everyone with their relgions and life styles.
I think with my head ; its less painful than thinking with your heart
I beleive that everything happens for a reason
I believe that God has a time for everyone to go
I am very airheaded at times. LOL
I try not to involve myself into to much DRAMA
I am a neat freak
I love to write poetry when I have spare time
I dislike people that think that they are better than other's
I have had a pretty rough year this year after losing my father at age of 51 and having a few sugery's
I am thankful this year for all the love and support that many have shown me and my family.
Ethan and I's father are working things out. Yes sorry to all of you that doubt the situation. I need to do what I feel is best for me and my son.
I enjoy most of all to encourage and pray for people, I know that nothing is to Big for God.
I enjoy walks on the beach.
I love to spend time with friends
I work hard for everything that I have. It has not been easy. But nothing is handed to me.
The thing that I enjoy the most is challenges
I dislike people that claim to be christians that are dressed in sheeps clothing.

My Interests

Did I ever imagine that I would of met such a wonderful person like yourself. You are so kind hearted. You Care so much for people. What more can I say. You are an amazing woman. You do so many things for people that you don't have to. You have done so much for Ethan and I. I can remember sitting up some nights when I had tears flowing down my face and you happened to be .. and take the time and say Nat I am here for you. When you told me things would be ok. And Day by Day they got better for me. You always keep me going with your planning of events and all the wonderful idea's you always have. I hope you stay in my life forever. I Love you Always Sara. :)

We have come so far together. I can remember when we were pregnant and all the looks that we used to give each other. And you upstairs making all kinds of ruckace..!LOL We have grown into such amazing friends that I would not change anything. You have always been there for me when I needed you to go to the store to get me something for my head, when I thought my head was going to fall off, no matter what time of night. I just want you to know I Love you no matter how hard life may seem for you. I promise to you as a friend that I will always be there for you.I Love You Always

Jackie I can remember us as roomies.How can you forget the good old times that we had together. Boy Snatchy Snatch and Jackie Jac! And the little spats we got into. I am so glad that God has blessed me with such a great friend. I am so proud of you. You are a great mother. I knew that you could do it. Thank you for always being there for me when I felt that I just could not go on. I Love You Very Much. I look forward to many more years of friendship with you.

Rodney I have known you for 12 years and spite our fights and def. our disagreements, I know that we love each other in our own special way. And know that no matter where life takes us, we will both always stay close to one another hearts. I Love You Always..And thanks for always understanding me.

Cory, the short time that I have known you, it feels like years. God has put us together for a reason. It was not by chance, but by God's grace. You have been there for me when I needed another Christian to uplift me in the hard times. You assured me that those were just trials and that God was going to bring brighter days. You have been such a big part of Lil Ethan's life. You would read to him at night's I just needed a min. to rest my head. You have really shown me what a true Christian woman is. I pray that where ever Life takes us we will always stay close to each other's hearts and we will see each other in eartinty.God Bless You Always

Gia and Nana, I want you guys to know that I love you both very much. At times our lives get so caught up with other things that we don't have as much time as we like to with each other. We have been friends for quite a few years with you guys. And Gia you have made me laugh so many times about the one's we dislike and the one's we can't live without.LOL And I want you guys to know that I am always here. I pray everyday Gia that God will give you the peace in your mind and heart that you need. And no matter where life may take us, please know that you are both very close to my heart. Love Always

I have known you for so many years. You are like my little sister. At times I get so upset with you and just try and show you other ways of doing things. I am very proud of you. You have grown up so much since I have known you. You are very smart and are going to make it very far in life. Thank you for doing all the things you do for Ethan and I. Also just want to giggle a little bit that you still don't know where I went last March:) Ethan and I Love you very much. And no matter what hard times we go through we will always be friends.

Todd we have known each other for so many years, I have lost count. The first thing I would like to thank you for is being a big part of Ethan's Life. You were there when little man was born and if it had not been for you, his name would of not have been Ethan. I know that we have had our share of fights but I am glad that you see I am always right (Detective) J/K. But through it all God has kept us very good friends. I know sometimes I get mad at you but I still love You and you will always be a big part of Ethan's and I's Life.

Anna, I just wanted to tell you how very special you are to me. You were there at the time of Ethan's delivery. You held my hand and let me know that everything was going to be ok. You are wonderful and Special to both Ethan and I. We Love you very much.


Though I have never met either one of you in person, I feel like I have known you both forever. I use to pray for God to send me friends that I could trust. I have been through so many past hurt friendships and felt that I could not trust another. That was until I met you two. When I need a touch and agree prayer you both are always there for me. You are both there to cover me and agree that no Weapon formed against shall Prosper. Lainey you are so special to me. I love you dearly and I pray daily that God will heal you from any sickness that is causing you pain. Minister Lee, you are also very special to me. You have been there for secrets that I could not tell a soul.

Sorry to those whom I left out. Just know that I love you all!!

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My Blog

Be thankfull for what you have. Life is so Precious and not Promised

Where do I even begin. First I am thankfull that God has given me the best gift ever. (Ethan) I don't think that I would be here today if it had not been for him. He has brought so much Joy in my life...
Posted by ~Nat~ on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 08:33:00 PST

Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover

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Posted by ~Nat~ on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:17:00 PST

God's Miracle

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Posted by ~Nat~ on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 01:27:00 PST

Waiting on God

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Posted by ~Nat~ on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 06:53:00 PST

Sorry I had to drop some of my space Friends..

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Posted by ~Nat~ on Sun, 07 May 2006 09:54:00 PST


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Posted by ~Nat~ on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:41:00 PST

Love Every Body...

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Posted by ~Nat~ on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:20:00 PST