Most people,at least once. Sometimes I think maybe I'd like to just meet myself--not like on a ...y'know-Date. Nonono. More like just meet me. Maybe I could be someone different just so I could see what I look like to others. A "view profile," if you will. Yes, and I'd come as someone else, real ACTing don't you know? As an alter ego even further removed. Maybe I could be Dances With ...well maybe not Wolves, more like Lemurs or something cute and strange as well Dances With Chipmunks or maybe not exactly dancing, maybe more like Aerobicises With Wolves-reeeal American. Then I could do a "view profile" type interview on myself. This could be helpful as you can never really view your own profile without mirrors. This is becoming confusing and I think I've lost my direction. Like moving through a Maze...You call it "Corn."