Aaron profile picture


a little bit shy, a little bit bad, dont nice girls just love that

About Me

live in capo beach, anthropology major contemplating the unlogical nessesity of modern mans' existential dilemma. i like movies, music, working out & running. Oh yes, & boogie'n is fun.

My Interests

like going to shows and enjoy movies,music & divulging as little information as possible to maintain my mysterious nature. Is it working?

I'd like to meet:

those who id like to meet,


indy rock, new wave, electro-clash, house, Mourning becomes Eclectic, disco-punk... I'm too cool to list band names.


virgin suicides,donnie darko, shawshank redemption,coen bros. movies, american beauty,sleepy hallow, punch drunk love,memento,royal tenenboms, bottle rocket,rushmore,gummo,buffalo 66, true romance, road 2 perdition,flesh & bone, edward sisscorhands, lost in translation, good will hunting, igby goes down, amelia, from hell, panic, the pianist, love liza, cold mountain, motorcycle diaries, i 3 huckabees, swimming pool, dogville, dirty pretty things, me & you & everyone we know, the edukators, everything is illuminated, Munich, good night & good luck, the constant gardener, paradise now, brick, the proposition, good bye lennin, cache, syriana, first snow,


History Channel, Science Channel, I.F.C., seinfield, simpsons.


Jared diamond, Howard Zinn, Noam Chokamski,


the invisible man who's always changing clothes

My Blog

Is Bush Using the Justice Department to Purge His Political Enemies?

During President Bush's term in office, the Justice Dept.'s Civil  Rights Division has been restructured (by former U.S.Attorney John Ashcroft) to hire political appointees instead of career civi...
Posted by Aaron on Thu, 10 May 2007 02:59:00 PST

the state of things

   Just about everyday we learn something new about the Bush administration mishandling, abusing power, distorting the facts or most famously "making mistakes". here are just a few... &...
Posted by Aaron on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 01:42:00 PST