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Famous In a Small Town

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Myspace LayoutsWhat can I say, I'm me. The one and only. You can't copy this, even if you tried :P! I like all kinds of things. I love animals-tigers are my favorites. I think tigers should come in domestic cat size and without the urge to hurt and kill their prey so I could have one as a pet and not worry about it eating my other pets, or my family, or my friends, or me.I'm a writer. I was created and put on this planet to write, as well as to do other things. I mostly write stories and poems, or what ever else is on my mind. It's a great way to get stuff out of your head. I do write songs from time to time, but they don't really ever go anywhere because I don't know how to write music. I play alto sax and a little drums and guitar. I'm kind of interesting in learning piano too. I'm a also a grammar nut, too.Wow, I've written quite a lot. Um... I think I write a little more. Well, I have friends (how-that's amazing right)-jj. I love all my friends and they are all important to me. I've been hurt and dropped by many of my past friends, but you know what-that's their loss. I now have some of the greatest friends ever! (You guys rock!)I'm a nerd, hands down! I hang out with a bunch of nerds that do nerdy things like belegarth (a sword fighting sort of reenactment) and World War II reectments. I do some reenacting from time to time. It's some interesting stuff though, I must say that. I also take pictures for the group. Actually, I take a lot of pictures. I love photography-even started my own freelance photography business called Kix Pics (see top friends for link).My dreams include becoming a successful writer, getting my writings/scripts on TV, maybe opening a animation studio and/or production company or just some little shops, continueing my photography, not being poor, and of course finding true love, getting married, having a few kids, and just being happy! Also, my dream of reestablishing a four year college in my home town area has been became a goal on my list yet again.So basically, I'm just me. I"m the type of person that just likes to chill with friends, walk around to clear my thoughts, etc. I drum to by own beat. I have my own unique way of looking at things, which sadly most people don't get. But if you take the time to get to know the new me, I think you'll like her.* Kara --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com Kara --
Visually addictive
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com Kara --
A master of storytelling
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com Kara --
Extremely extreme!
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com Kara --
An immortal
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
What Kara Means
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning? ~~~
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What Kara Means
K is for Kinky
A is for Alluring
R is for Radical
A is for Active
What Does Your Name Mean?
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You Are Artistic

You are imaginative, innovative, and intuitive. You enjoy reading, writing, drawing, photography, and playing or listening to music. You exhibit artistic characteristics. You may want to major in Design Arts, Communication, or Music. You may want to be an Art Therapist, Designer, or a Writer. Who Are You? MySpace Quizzes at PimpSurveys.com

You Have a Type A Personality

You are ambitious, driven by your desire to get things done. Type A personalities are characterized by their drive and intense work ethic. You are competitive; you want respect, not affection. You may become irritated when you have to wait on a line or at a red light. Are you a Type A or a Type B? MySpace Quizzes at PimpSurveys.com
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Your Eyes Should Be Brown
Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom
What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart What Color Should Your Eyes Be?
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Your Hair Should Be Red
Passionate, fiery, and sassy.
You're a total smart aleck who's got the biggest personality around. What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?
Your Hair Should Be Orange
Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.
You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices. What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?
My PicturesYou Are Sunrise
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. What Time Of Day Are You?
You Are Fall!
What Season Woman Are You?
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Your Personality Is
Guardian (SJ)
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.
You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.
A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.
In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.
At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.
With others, you tend to be polite and formal.
As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.
On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them! The Three Question Personality Test

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You Are 80% Weird
You're more than quirky, you're downright strange.
But you're also strangely compelling, like a cult leader. How Weird Are You?
You Are 36% Weirdo
You're a little weird, but you'd be even weirder if you didn't have a few quirks.
You are just strange enough to know it, but nobody else seems to notice your weirdness.
That's because, deep down, everyone is a little freaky! Are You A Weirdo?
Your Quirk Factor: 60%
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.
Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them! How Quirky Are You?
You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
Your Brain is 80% Female, 20% Male
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! What Gender Is Your Brain?
You Have Your PhD in Men
You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful. How Well Do You Understand Men?
Men See You As Playful
Men want a challenge and you are the perfect playmate
You know how to push men's buttons and attract a wide range of guys
You enjoy living and loving - it's one of your most attractive qualities
Men are often consumed with desire for you, and you love that! How Do Men See You?
Men See You As Choosy
Men notice you light years before you notice them
You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky
You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter
It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait How Do Men See You?
Guys Like That You're Charming
You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-) You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't! What Do Guys Like About You?
Guys Like That You're Fun
You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you What Do Guys Like About You?
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Myspace IconsYou Are Low Rise Jeans: both sexy and casual - the type of girl who looks hot without really trying. You tend to spark imagination, only showing a peek of your skin.
The PJ's You Are Most Like: Underwear
You enjoy the simple things in life and aren't hard to please
You have an understated, easy sexiness that men love
And you're confident enough to pull it off - without being overbearing What Kind of PJ's Girl Are You?
Your Scent is Strawberry
Fun, flirty, and fresh.
You're a complete sweetheart that makes everyone smile! What's Your Girl Smell?
You Are 83% Real
There's hardly a person on this earth more real than you are.
You have no problem showing people who you are, flaws and all.
For you, there couldn't be any other way. Because it's way too stressful to live an inauthentic life.
You're very comfortable with yourself. And because of this, you're able to live an exciting, interesting, and challenging life. How Real Are You?
You Are a Natural Beauty!
You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless What Type of Beauty Are You?
Your Dominant Thinking Style: Exploring
You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.
You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs.
An expert inventor and problem solver, you approach everything from new angles.
You show people how to question their models of the world. What's Your Thinking Style?

My Interests

I'm into a bunch of very different things: writing (prose, poems, stories & screenplays), English & Lingustics (my study in college), drawing & sketching, painting stuff, gaming (DDR's the best!), photography, creating stuff in general, art, music, singing, dancing, cooking/baking, interior & fashion design, classic cars, certain eras in history, nature, animals, people, psychology, etc.I guess I'm just interesting in creating things, the history/story behind things, and what makes them work, besides of course having a good time with my friends!
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You Should Be a Science Fiction Writer
Your ideas are very strange, and people often wonder what planet you're from.
And while you may have some problems being "normal," you'll have no problems writing sci-fi.
Whether it's epic films, important novels, or vivid comics...
Your own little universe could leave an important mark on the world! What Type of Writer Should You Be?
You Should Be a Film Writer
You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! What Type of Writer Should You Be?
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You scored as Fallen Angel. You my friend are a Fallen Angel! You were amongst the closest to God, yet love led you down a path of self-destruction. You find yourself crying a lot, because of the pains of this world. Yes it is very crewl, yet you know there isn't a thing you can do about it. Follow your heart and you will find some of your former happiness.

Fallen Angel


Black Witch


You are a Vampiric Elf!


You are a Demon



What creature of the night are you you most like? (Pics!!)
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Doll Avatars What Dragon Spirit Resides in You?
White Dragon. You have the spirit of a White Dragon. You often feel loney, and despair, but you're loving and compasionate. You would rather help, than harm. You are much more than you seem, yet won't show anyone, unless they show interest. Often times you stick to yourself, and let others lead on.
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You Should Be Fashion Designer
Although you're offbeat and artistic, you have a good eye for trends
You can figure out new incredible clothes to create... that will sell well! What Sort of Artist Should You Be?

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You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat
You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.
And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long. Are You More Cat or Dog?
You scored as Christianity. Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian.Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as not a prophet nor historical figure, but as God in human form. The Holy Trinity is the concept that God takes three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (sometimes called Holy Spirit). Jesus taught the idea of instead of seeking revenge, one should love his or her neighbors and enemies. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humankind and forgive people's sins.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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How You Are In Love
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You give and take equally in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love?
You Are a Sensitive Kisser
For you, kissing is a way to connect

And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy

It may take you a while to kiss someone...

But when you do, it's total fireworks What's Your Kissing Style?

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I'd like to meet:

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The Opposite Sex:

Body or Face both but the face helps more I guess
Looks or Personality Personality...if you like that then you'll like the looks too
Height taller than...like around 6 foot
Weight not skin and bones, but not real big either....he's gotta have some meat on him...I'm a sucker for the litte stummies
Hair Color seem to go for the brunettes
Eye Color generally brown
Most Important Physical Feature smile, eyes, booty, arms, hair
Good/Bad Traits
Funny he's gotta have a sense of humor and always able to make me smile
Loud meh..more medium toned
Seductive not to anyone else
Quiet to a point
Tall yes
Short not shorter than me
Athletic no cough potatoes please
Fat a little on the tummy ain't bad, but generally nah
Immature no please
Competitive a little competion isn't bad, but obsession is
Hyper not all the time
Smoker NO!
Drinker as long as he's not an alcoholic
Smart yeah that helps...I like someon that can teach me new things
Dumb no thanks
Observant it helps
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Myspace LayoutsMost of who I would like to beat are people that are dead, so that's not going to happen, but still I wouldn't have minded meeting one of my great-grandfathers and the great cartoonist, Charles Schultz. I also won't mind meeting Diana Wynne Jones (my favorite author), Hayao Miyazaki (my idol!), and maybe some other people like Josh Groban-he's got the voice of an angel-Drake Bell (he's funny & a great music performer & actor & he's good looking!), Johnny Depp cause he's an execellent actor, Aaron Foster from "Freestyle", Shia LaBeouf cause he's just all around awesome (great actor, smart, good looking, funny, and just an awesome guy!)and the Goo Goo Dolls, especially John Rzeznik, cause that just be totally awesome! Otherwise, I'd just like to meet more interesting people that I can get a long with! People that are willing to get to know the real me and accepting of the real me, flaws and all. People that will accept and love me for everything that I am and everything I am not! And that's the challenge.Say What You Will In Loving Memory

Add to My Profile | More Videosand the cast of Degrassi, especially Ryan Cooley (JT Yorke), Daniel Woods (Sean Cameron), Stacy Farber (Ellie Nash), Adamo RugiSomething (Macro DelRossi), but all and any of the cast would be awesome!
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Your Elf Name Is...
Stubby Sweet Cheeks What's Your Elf Name?
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"If I live every moment Won't change any moment Still a part of me and you I will never regret you Still the memory of you Marks everything I do~ I can't waste time so give it a moment I realize, nothing's broken No need to worry 'bout everything I've done Live every second like it was my last one Don't look back at a new direction I loved you once, needed protection You're still a part of everything I do You're on my heart just like a tattoo~Just like a tattoo I'll always have you" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Myspace IconsI basically listen to whatever I like. It's all about the music: the beat, the rhytme, the actual music and lyrics, etc for me. But I will say that I'm mainly prartical to all genres of rock (classic, heavy, metal, punk, etc), country, techno/club, jazz, and I've resently fallen in love with Celtic music.

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Favorite artist include: Goo Goo Dolls, Hawk Nelson, Rascal Flatts, MatchBox20/Rob Thomas, No Doubt/Gwen Stefani, Natashe Beddingfield, Madonna, Cher, Saliva, Korn, Metallica, Martina McBride, Keith Urban, Christina Aguleria, Weird Al, the Killers, Kelly Clarkson, Pink, the Beach Boys, the Gorillaz, Daft Punk, AD/DC, Styx, Queen, 3 Days Grace, etc.
You Are an Indie Rocker!
You are in it for the love of the music...
And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label.
You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success.
You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career. What Kind of Rocker Are You?

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Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2
"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"

You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too.I told myself I won't miss you But I remembered What it feels like beside you I really miss your hair in my face And the way your innocence tastes And I think you should know this You deserve much better than meThe bed I'm lying in is getting colder Wish I never would've said it's over And I can't pretend... I won't think about you when I'm older Cause we never really had our closure This can't be the end I really miss your hair in my face And the way your innocence tastes And I think you should know this You deserve much better than me I really miss your hair in my face And the way your innocence tastes And I think you should know this.........


stuff like Pirates,the Shrek movies, the Goofy movies, "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island", "Zoolander", "Pride & Prejudice", "Never Been Kissed", "Ever After", "BooneDock Saints", "Ghost Rider", Mulan 1 & 2", "Moulian Rouge", "Beauty & the Beast", "Lion King", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Wille Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", "Mary Poppins", "Princess Dairies","Hoodwinked","High School Musical", etc, and a bunch of the Hayao Miyazaki movies: "Castle In the Sky", "Spirited Away", "Kiki's Delivery Service", "Pom Poko", "Whisper of the Heart",etc.
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Well I really don't watch a whole lot of TV cause I usually don't have time to. But when I do get to watch the TV, I like to watch stuff like Degrassi (Next Generation and Old School-when it's on), Jon & Kate Plus 8, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Deal or No Deal, Robot Chicken, Design on a Dime, About a Girl, Ninja Warrior, The Biggest Loser, A Different World, Psyc, South Park, The Price is Right and various cartoons. Animation is so much cooler than live-action stuff cause the characters can do so much more. I really like the old classic cartoons, but some of the newer stuff is pretty cool too. I'm also into anime and interior design shows. I watch a lot of TLC and Discovery Heealth shows too.
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Basically, unless it's stuff that I am forced to read for school, I read what I like, but luckily I usually like what I read for school. I guess my favorite genres would have to be fantasy though...although the Gothic novel is also quite good. Over the past few months I've fallen in love with medieval literature too. Basically I like the kind of stuff that really lets your imagination go to work.I love anything by Diana Wynne Jones, and I love this book called "Baby" by Patricia somebody and quite enjoy Arthurian literature.
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Sadly, I've decided not to have any anymore because basically everyone that I looked up to as a child turned out to be a fraud and because I've discovered that people are actually quite evil, so therefore I try not to have any heros because they'll just let me down. People are people, we're not perfect and we're not meant to be, simple as that.

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My Blog

Birthday Countdown and Related Stuff

Yeah, so yesterday marked the official start of my birthday count down. It was exactly 3 weeks (21 days) from yesterday, so it’s 20 days away and counting.Not to be a downer, but honestly, my bi...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:51:00 PST

The Commerical Church

So for some reason I still get this email from this Christian website. I really don’t and haven’t read it these emails for some time, even when I still a gungho (guessed spelling, sorry it...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 07:27:00 PST

Over and Over Again

I've come to the conclusion many times that people are just going to hurt you and let you down, but yet I still put faith and trust in them.  And then what happens, they hurt me, use me, abuse me...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:04:00 PST

Just Some Stuff That’s Been Running Through My Head

First of all, although I have no idea what I did to piss so many people off, I'm sorry for it.But if someone could tell me what I did to piss people off, please tell me cause I must have done somethin...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:31:00 PST

It Will Never Be the Same

This is an article I wrote for the Prairie Advocate.  It ran in last week's edition but since not everyone gets it, I'm posting it on here.------------------------------------------------------- -...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:06:00 PST


Here's another song of the Songs of The Kara, "Supergirl" by Krystal Harris.  It's from the movie "The Princess Diaries". "Supergirl"Sometimes I have dreamsI picture myself flyingAbove the clouds...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:13:00 PST

Everybody Needs Somebody...Sometimes

"Everybody"So here you are now, nowhere to turnIt's just the same old yesterdayAnd you made a promise to yourselfThat you were never gonna be this wayAnd the only thing that you've ever known is to ru...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:08:00 PST

Songs Of the Kara

Yeah, so I'm thinking of making a CD of songs that are well about me life...well...you know...songs I relate to and stuff. One song that would have to be on the CD is "Extraordinary" by Liz Phair.&nbs...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 11:10:00 PST

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder why I put up with people that ignore me and blow me off.  I mean, they don't do it all the time, but for some it's more than others.  Technically everyone does it to someo...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:09:00 PST

Update Cause I’m Lacking Creativity

So yeah, I had like over an hour to kill today between my Lit & Film class and Arthurian Lit so I went and talked to this lady about grad school at Northern and just graduate school is general. So...
Posted by Famous In a Small Town on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:33:00 PST