How evil are you?I am the graffiti monster!!!!! Muahhahahahahahaaaaa!You Are 100% New Jersey!
Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
How New Jersey Are You?
Make Your Own Quiz
CLICK HERE TO GET A PRE-MADE MYSPACE LAYOUT.....well now.... let's see.... I'm stranger than a gang of drunken mimes.... and if you can vividly picture that.... ::smiles:: I am actually quite a random person... I love art, graffiti, music, photography, writing, any and every art... I love to read, and learn new things.... keeping the brain functioning is a must with the damage i occasionally do to it lol.... I love people, well some people, well ok... honestly i hate people and love my friends lmao.... But it was only recently in the last coulpe years I could say that... putting trust into trifling bitches has taught me a lesson indeed....[oh yeah, no issues ::sigh::] So now I surround myself with nothing but real.... school and work are the devil..... I am constantly working on some new art piece or poem or something.... yet i rarely finish them..... *coughs* fear of commitment *ends cough* lol..... Right now all I really care about is ripping through college with a 4.0 and shoving it down the people who doubt me's throats..... otherwise I'm kind and gentle XD ....mostly i like to just enjoy life.... i don't deal well with stress so i try not to let things get to me..... I procrastinate but I'm working on changing that.... classic Jamie...... [some other time], here I am again, wondering about me, honestly I don't even think I know me anymore..... I seem to have lost myself, if you find me... by all means send me home, if you decide to keep me though, well, be gentle, I am a phantom ninja and I will go Jackie Chan on your face.... twice .............later