Well, Let's See..... I'm 39 Years old and have lived in St. Louis all of my life. 6 years ago I received my lifesaving kidney transplant and have been doing great since. I am a firm believer in organ donation since one person can save up to 57 lives by just signing the back of their drivers liscense this too me would make a huge difference in the amount of people whom die each year while awaiting a life saving organ. I love Animals I currently have 3 spoiled cats and a Pitbull named Seenah. He is a huge muscle bound dog but sweet as a pie and is my heavy a$$ lapdog!! I now have my twin nephews living and everything is going well. I currently own my own online buisness and its doing well so Im able to stay home and work at my own leisure. I am looking for friends on myspace as I don't really have time to get involved with a companion since most of my time is held up in staying well and keeping my new kidney as healthy as possible.
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