What does it take to step onto the treadmill to run a few miles? What courage is necessary to enter the weight room and force several pounds of iron to move against the will of gravity? The small excuses that keep you away from your goals are the dangerous ones. They are the little dream-stealers, attacking greatness. Living healthy is about more than simply losing weight or looking great on the beach. It is about excellence.
Wouldn't weight-loss be easy if it were just a "thing?" We do "things" every day. We brush our teeth, go shopping, and prepare dinner. These "things" are part of our daily existence, and are as easy as watching the rain. So why is living healthy such a struggle to many? Perhaps it is because you are chasing something more than a number on the scale. Maybe you feel that if you burn that fat, you will find your true self underneath. During the chase, you are not really losing weight – whether you like it or not, you are pursuing greatness. It is who we are.
Read the rest of The Pursuit of Greatness
Hear me speak in this short mini-series about the power of thought to release fat through the weight loss mindset:
- Weight Loss Mindset Part 1: The Power of Thought Weight Loss Mindset Part 2: Thought is Creative Weight Loss Mindset Part 3: Thoughts Expand Weight Loss Mindset Part 4: Creating Change
I used to dread when my son would ask me to play with him. Simply putting on my shoes and bending over to tie them was an enormous effort that would leave me out of breath. I would pop the buttons off my pants or rip the seat on a regular basis.
I kept buying baggier shirts and pants in an effort to hide the mass of fat that I was rapidly accumulating. As the fat grew thicker and clung heavier, my attitude grew more sour. I was burying myself in a pit of blubbery despair that I could not imagine digging myself out of. When I would wake in the morning, I would sneer at the reflection in the mirror and simply remind myself what a horrible person I had become. Then I would find consolation in food while aiming my misdirected anger towards friends and family.
Today, I still have trouble keeping up with my son on the basketball court, but I have no trouble putting on my shoes. He tries to keep up with me as we lift weights in the small gym I have built in our basement. The little number on the small tag on the inside of my jeans reads 32" instead of 44" and I've torn my pants only once, when I was wearing the wrong style to perform squats. I am a positive, happy person who loves to wake to see my daughter smiling and asking enthusiastically if I can prepare her breakfast. I like what I see in the mirror, but it is less my physique and more the smile and twinkle in my eyes that I notice. Instead of taking my anger out on my family and friends, I direct my energies toward helping them achieve and accomplish new goals in their lives.
My mission is to empower others to Lose Fat, Not Faith
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to visit with me. My intention is to always speak and write from the heart, whether it is in a forum, for an article, in my book, or just part of our connection. Please drop a line as I always look forward to good conversation. I'm happy to answer questions but also eager to ask. As much as I love to teach, I am always a student and look forward to what I can learn with each day.
My motto in life is simple:
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. — T.S. Eliot
How far are you willing to go? Read my blog as I share my journey. Life is too short and too exciting not to share!
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Take care, God bless, and we'll talk!