History: I've lived in Italy for three years in Rome and studied for a year at the Accademia di Belle Arti. I speak Italian although I'm getting a little rusty.
I like Aubergine and I hate mushrooms. I play piano and write songs. About to rediscover the piano as we're moving house and its coming out of its cubby hole known as the garage where its been wrapped in swaddling clothes.
I like songs that bear no relevence to their title or seemingly none until you explore its potential meanings. At the same time I have a pet hate for songs which start with the title name in the opening lyrics.
I like book covers that are illustrated in a rustic painterly quality. Or shiny pop art pop novelettes.
I like the sound of melancholy piano that rhythmically hypnotises like an Ed Harcourt B-side. Add the sound of brass or a woosey clarinet.
I would have liked to have experienced living in another era, either the 1920s and 30s or the late 1950s and 60s.
I like dark colours in winter, and bright colours in summer.
Clothes, suede shoes, wollen jumpers, check shirts, cords.
Favourite chord? Well I like Bminor7 particularly. But really any chord can sound good with good resolution and follow-up.
I like eyes, if you find me staring at your eyes, please dont be offended. I like seeing different patterns in peoples eyes and different shades of blue, green, brown or grey.
I used to always draw cars. Don't ask why, guess it was a boyhood fantasy. But ask me to draw you a car and I'll be quite happy for fifteen minutes.
Before I drew cars I drew houses. And in between I drew all sorts of every thing. After I drew cars I studied Life Drawing and learnt the finer details of water colour and representing the human body.
If you've read up to here I'm impressed. I don't know why I bother but there's something quite enjoyable about writing to other Myspacers about yourself without even knowing who might possibly read this.
Still I probably won't add you unless I know you.
Artwise I like Richard Hamilton and Richard Estes, James Rosenquist and Robert Rauchenberg. I dont feel the same way about Andy Warhol. Although I am partial to a can of soup. I like elements of German Expressionism, particularly woodcut prints. I love Edvard Munch and Edward Hopper. Today I saw some inspiring art by a (local?) artist called Lindsay Attwood at Coventry Cathedral.
I like strong contrasts, smooth outlines, bold colours, rich textures. Clever lighting. Clear perception, strong focus, blurred foregrounds! Blue monochromes. Sepia photos. Ink transfers, painterly textures and varied colours.
I like English spellings and get annoyed by American spell checkers (in England!).Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor