hmm...spending time with my friends...hitting up the mall on payday....Coffee=true luv..meeting new people....going out on the lake....going to the beach, no seaweed grazing my leg...good music..all kinds...working out---well lately, it could be a passing phase...i like tanning...parties...girls nights....dancing....
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MKA4LIfe3 **Even though i act like i know them.**
. It is sickening how much reality TV i watch *gotta have Laguna *Real World..although this last season was LAME *the Gautlet II is looking prettie good *America's next Top model marathons on VH1 *that 70's Show is so funny *family guy *Stuart...(MAd TV) **THE OC is the mother of all TV shows**
i actually do enjoy reading...if i stumble across the right book. Open to suggestions... Teeny bopper books like the GossipGirls series are def a guilty pleasures. Oo and the Outsiders from like 7th grade..