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I am here for Friends

About Me

Jeff = a geek with a wonderful bf named Tristan. Who was recently laid off like 14% of the USA from a Law Firm in Center City. We live in interesting times. Who loves playing Magic the Gathering (since the late 1990's) and can be found playing FNM and MTGO. Who also enjoys poker with Bluffing with Butch at random bars in Philly (until he gets fired from that bar and we move to another) Who loves walking around in Philly and taking pictures. Whos family are all in Charleston WV where he grew up. Who cant freaking wait till June 13th when he goes on Vacation to Disney World!Check out the Live journal for more inside info.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Need more geek friends, if you like video games, poker, frisbe golf, or another nerdy geek send me a msg!

Myspace Layouts at / Orange retro

My Blog

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