Well where do I start? I mean if I give you a list of character traits I could easily lie to you, so I'll leave you one thing that was said about me. "To describe you in one word, genuine." So there you have it straight from the horses mouth, even though you dont know the horse and I'm not gonna tell you who that said horse is. All though the second thing to come from this is that I spend way too much time with horses!? The third thing is apparently I am Doctor Dolittle because I understand horses! Three things for the prfce of one there! (I really don't spend time with horses, but if you didn't get that then you should look at another profile! :-P )
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
A random stranger with numbers to Euro lottery this week, or Roman Abramovic in a generous mood! Not that I'm obsessed with money, it would just really help right now!