Traveling the world, amusement parks, movies..anything artistic , museums, and all the small things we take for granted. "Body art(tattosEVERYTHING else everyone thought was normal I see beauty. Music is a big part of my life. "It's a language of it's own, that needs no words" I have always loved lowriders, custom cars It's part of my roots,the whole 50's-60's rockabilly greaser era also mixing music...and DJ scene and dancing big artist and creative passion like my examples what I see beautiful:
Everyone I can, life is to short......anyone smartass witty and funny and down to earth where we can hit it off.
flash back and trance prograssive, hard cord house but also punk "My Roots"- metal, alternative, and I appreciate the blues,jazz to name a few: Billie Holiday, Etta Jame.spanish rock "MANA, enanitos verdes,jaguares, El Tri...etc. Classic rock, oldies but goodies"TAKES ME REAL BACK TO MY CHILDHOOD"
Well I have diverse taste from all 80's, comedies and sci-fi flicks all horror flicks have a place in my heart...others ..Like water for chocolate, B flicks, Underworld, Queen of the damn, The color purple, casablanca, from dusk tiill dawn, all Terentino films, Guillermo Del Toro.Robert Rodriguez .obZombie, George Lucas....Stan lees and the marvel series
C.S.I Las Vegas anything history and all on showtime-the wedding story and all hgtv
Anne Rice Books- but I am open to something that catches my interest.