Profile Generator
Hey All, thanks for stopping by. Just take the time first to read what is here before you judge me. " I am not here to dazzle you with bullshit or make you think I am the greatest guy in the world. " There is so much more to life than that. I am who I am and I won't change that for anyone. Just here to have a few laughs and make some cool friends. So if you agree and feel the same please read on. Who knows you might just enjoy yourself and find a new friend.
" Now where to begin... hehehe." I guess we all know we have a darkside within us. Whether or not we allow it to live and been seen is a different story. Within the edges of this window perched on your screen you will see that side of me revealed. Nothing hidden and nothing off limits. I'm not out to shock or scare you but to just be me. If you really open your mind and take the time you may find something we have in common.
So, who's still with me? I am sure that the question comes to mind, " Why is he asking to add me?" Well it's simple, not trying to build a friends list the size of the Grand Canyon that's for sure. I am just looking to chat and have a few laughs with people I think I have things in common with. It might be something as simple as where you live. You might have tatttos or be able to creatively use words or even the type of music you like. Bottom line is you have to be someone I see as being REAL and looking to live life to the fulliest. Be aware however... If I do ask to add you and you say ok I do expect one thing from you. Respect just as I will give you. Which means if I take the time to write you or leave a comment for you have the respect to at least read it. Replying is something you can do in a reasonable amount of time. I know we all get busy but if you are adding friends for the sake of making friends treat them as such. If you are just out there Whoring yourself just to build up a friends list of record proportions then Screw You. I have better things to do with my time and better people to be friends with. Anyone offended by this? Tough Shit It Is What It Is.