Music and Movies
The Bleeding Heart Massacre
The Bleeding Heart Massacre Live @ The Underground
Pantera, White Zombie ,Devil Driver , Mudvayne , Poison the well ,Hopesfall,TOOL,Slipknot,Avenged Sevenfold,As I lay Dying,In Flames,Unearth,Deftones,KillSwitch Engage, The Blood theory, First Time Fallen,Opeth,Children of bodom,Soil work, 36 crazyfists, Bloodsimple, V.O.D,God Forbid, Caliban, It Dies today, Lamb of god......Metal
If it has blood and gore i love it!!!!!!! Nightmare on elm street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, Wrong Turn, IT, Cujo,Night of the living dead, Day of the dead, Dawn of the dead, Land of the dead, Dead Alive, Exorcist, The omen,Damien/Omen 2, Saw,Saw 2, Evil Dead, Cabin Fever, Halloween, Hellraiser, Gates Of Hell, House Of A 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, From Dusk to Dawn, Natural Born Killers, Reservoir Dogs, Hostel, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Pulp fiction , The usual suspects and many many more....I have a passion for movies especially horror movies!
Family Guy,Simpsons,survivor,Prison break, The Toronto Maple Leafs!!!!!..........I'd rather watch movies
All the talented metal singers/screamers also Tom savini,George A. Romero,Rob Zombie and Quentin Tarantino masters at what they do!