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Guillermo de Llera Blanes

About Me

Home | Discography/Instruments | Written Word | Art | primitive reason | Cells of an Organism | kaminari-sama |

My Interests


Let me see…how did I ever get into this madness…
Well, in 1991 I began my voyage through the world of music, when I was encouraged to play the Bass Guitar by my childhood friend. Within a year I had discovered that music was going to be my main road in life, that I would from that moment onwards see everything through the eyes of music, and that composing in any form was something of a natural talent to me. Soon after a few close friends and I founded Primitive Reason in 1992, the band with which I am still going strong to this day.
Since then, being in this band has taken me around the world to soak in what it has to teach me, and over the years I have dedicated myself to its many mouths and instruments, drinking from the belief that all life is music, and that knowing music from as many angles as possible would give a view of life that was more beautiful than before. It is a belief that runs deep in my veins, and is best described by the holy. Hazrat Inayat Khan so eloquently puts it: “Sound gives to the consciousness an evidence of its own existence, although it is in fact the active part of consciousness itself which turns into sound. The knower, so to speak, becomes known to himself; in other words the consciousness bears witness to its own voice. It is therefore that sound appeals to man. All things being derived from and formed of vibrations have hidden sound hidden within them, as fire is hidden within flint. And each atom of the universe confesses by its tone: ´my sole origin is sound´. If any solid or sonorous body is struck it will answer back: ´I am sound´. “
Finding that the life of the live road musician did not complete my desire for self-expression, I have assumed ever more projects with which to voice the music I hear; One of the Asthmatics and Head of the Elephant are my busiest side-projects, but Chilla and Comet from Venus must be mentioned as well.
There is a deep association between music, art, and written word in my work, and many times the borders are thinned in the projects I undertake, so I have chosen to name this group by association Cells of an Organism, in which I has included writer and painter pseudonyms to hint at the great tree with many branches and common root. All art speaks with the language of the soul, so I could not stop at expressing only through tones and rhythms to the hearing senses.
Furthermore I do not consider my work to come from me, but through me from another place. From where and why is a secret of which I have no knowledge, but gladly I drink from that inspiration that is so free and abundant. This is the way I see and feel it, and to some music is just good fun and dance, not so deep and complex. The thing of it is; the beauty is that art gives you only what you are willing to take from it.
Humbly, and without prepotence or self-importance, I hope you enjoy the visit.