~Bb~ profile picture


Forever And For Always I'll Be Lost In The Sad Game That We All Call Life !

About Me

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----BackgroundFirst things first I am NOT the type of guy u wanna piss off.... food for thought....I live one day at a time. I play "the game " of life by ear because thats all life really is just a big game and we have to see who will make it to the end of the with out seeing " The End " Sign!well I'm a 19year old male Still looking for that one girl that wants more then just to date me I'm so done with the whole "DATING" scean Bullshit! But I am starting my own bussiness with my dad & Brother. I'm 6'3" 180 lbs hazel eyes brown hair well all that matters is if u can help me get a 1970-1972 chevy chevelle then hit me up !! yadada?Chevelle Ridaz Crew **coming soon**

My Interests

Here you go i'll make it really simple for you all ....... Getting my life ready for what is to come in life ! For one i want to go back to College. well UTI ... Universal Technical Institute! So I can start my own business w/my dad !

I'd like to meet:

A girl who will love me for me and will not cheat on me like ALL of my Ex-girlfriends did . . . .

Contact Tables

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Christian Rock! ! !Techno, Trance, Rave, House, energy, RAP, HIP-HOP, BAY AREA RAP, GANGSTA RAP - XIV - , Rock, Classic Rock, and a lil bit more !!!

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I personally like the following...... Gone in 60 sec., Swat, The Fast and The Furious, 2 Fast 2 Real, 2 Fast 2 Furious,The Fast and The Furious- Tokyo Drift, Wind Talkers, Saving Privet Ryan, Braveheart, Go, and Spun. I like some others too but thats a little idea of my movie choices ! ! !



THE SPEED channel, and fuse !


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Do auto tech books count ?


My Hero is God ! For those of u that don't like it well... Learn to like it cuz its me ! If He never entered my life i would be going down the same path i was when i still lived out in San Jose, California !