Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) profile picture

Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI)


About Me

Untitled Document

Hi, here's my bio. I love reading the artist bios, my favorites are the ones written by the artists themselves, but they write them in the 3rd person so that you think someone else spent countless hours writing about this person that is so spectacular....yuck.

I put on a live looping show, if you don't know what that is, here's a nutshell version, I play guitar, I push a button with my feet, the guitar keeps going, I play bass, push a button with my feet the guitar and the bass keep on going, and so on and so forth, I also loop my vocals, harmonica and random percussion things. It's the musical equivalent of balancing plates on sticks, I'm basically a 21st century sideshow.

I started playing music in college at the University of Missouri , I had a band my junior year called "bronwen rae", and then started a band called “timmy likes to fish” the summer before my first senior year. We played together for a few years, and broke up in October of 1999. In January of 2000 I played my first solo show. I had a day job that I hated until September of 2001, and I've been doing the music thing full time ever since. I've sold just over 7,000 copies of 3 cd's that I've produced (remember who you are (2002), indian summer (2004), live at the hi ho (2005)), and I'm working on my 3 rd studio album right now.

I've gotten the chance to play with some great local, regional and national bands in the past, some of which are: Sheryl Crow,Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds,Michelle Branch, Cary Pierce, The Pat McGee Band, Better Than Ezra, The Samples, Cowboy Mouth, Michael Glabicki, Ari Hest ,Shaking Tree,Trippin Billies, GB Leighton, Pomeroy, Umphrey's McGee, Panoramic Blue, Dazy Head Mazy & Mission 19.

I love playing live music, I do about 200 shows per year at colleges, fraternity parties, bars etc…. When I'm not playing live or recording I'm probably hanging out with my wife and our 2 dogs.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/7/2006
Band Members: Untitled Document


Sounds Like:

My Blog

Don’t Look at Me

Don't look at me. July 9, 2008I can't believe I almost forgot to put this story down, it's a doozie. So I'm doing my set on the 5th of July at the Wobbly Boots...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 10:14:00 PST

Hey from NYC Part 2

The Adventures of a Scared White Boy part 2 6-14-2008Final thoughts on the big apple. I'm sitting here in the Newark Airport about to come home to the quiet, boring, sprawling, beautiful midwest. I ha...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:09:00 PST

Hey from NYC Part 1

Well, I thought I would start writing in my journal/blog thing again. The main reason is that I now have a sweet Macbook that I take everywhere with me, so there's no more, "when I get home I have to...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:04:00 PST

Wooo hooo 2008

Happy New Year!Well, it's still the new year, right? It's about time that I bombard you with my uselsess ramblings, ahh refreshing. Remember when you were in school and you'd come back from break and...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 02:15:00 PST

The new cd is finished....

The CD is finally finished.  I've got artwork and web development in my immediate future, well not too immediate.  I'm going to the beautiful of St. Thomas with my wife for a family reunion ...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 07:53:00 PST

Sad Day...

I hope this finds you all well.  This is the toughest email that I've ever sent out, so I want to let you all know that this isn't one of my normal stupid, semi-sarcastic ramblings.   ...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 09:26:00 PST

Tivo. 2-A-Days, Shirley Ghostman and Harrahs Lucky Break Oh my.

I love Tivo.   What, what's this, all of the shows I love with no commercials and none of the crappy programming that I hate. Wow, the 21st century is great, I'm glad that my wife and I finally ...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:27:00 PST

My Dad. Not Quite Superman, but close.

So for those of you that don't know, I grew up on a farm about 30 minutes south of Kansas City.  Yes, cows, horses, and a little bit of acreage.  I was one of the few kids I knew who actuall...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:20:00 PST

My friends are on the radio. Listen to them.

All my friends are on the radio. Well not all of my friends, but some of them are, and I wanted to let you know so that you can give them a listen.  Back in the day I used to sit in on a morning ...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST

A little update...

Hidee ho boys and girls, It's that time of year again. Sylabi and sundresses abound at the college towns around the middle west and that means that I get to come out of my early retirement for first ...
Posted by Ryan Patrick Imming (RPI) on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 11:11:00 PST