Tocs Namdurg profile picture

Tocs Namdurg


About Me

When a swarm of locusts attacked my tiny village, there was much joy and sorrow. The beasts turned day into night and many villagers picketed in front of the Time-Warner building. They demanded that Cinemax show bad porn because of the darkness, but FCC regulations dictated that under section 14.8.13, paragraph four, that "No non pay-per-view cable channels may feature programing with sexually explicit content before 11:00pm, and after 5:00am, local time." The ensuing massacre of protesters by the police was one of the most gruesome and goriest slaughters in American history. The officers were given promotions, and they all went out for cheeseburgers later that night. These cheeseburgers were all infected with a deadly strain of Mad Cow disease and the officers all died outside of McDonalds shortly after dinner. The swarm of locusts swooped out of the sky, down to their bodies, where they sat to rest. They weeped liked babies. They loved cops! Surprisingly, when the tears stopped, the feasting began. Men, women and children peered out from inside the McDonalds, as they laughed uncontrollably. A woman eating a box of chicken mcnuggets pissed herself. Another gentlemen, laughed so hard, he began to choke on his Big Mac. He died. It was the most glorious spectacle since the Skinemax incident.

My Interests

I really like trying new things. Right now, I am trying to see if I can hold my breath until I finish editing all of my profile info.

I'd like to meet:

If there is a God, I would like to meet his best friend and kick him in the balls, because he's probably the one telling him to make earthquakes, famines, and the plague and shit.


I am obsessed with Holy Fuck right now.


I watch movies all the time, they are a complete waste of time, don't bother.


I use my television as a delivery method for satellite crack, can you say 80 high def channels! (thanks DTV!)


I have been reading this Hunter S. Thompson book lately, it just makes me pissed off that I wasn't alive in the sixties and seventies. It seemed like a groovy time to be hip and cool, you dig?


The Verizon DSL guy who risked life and limb battling a bloodthirsty Rottweiler named Tyson, who guards the chop shop next to my apartment. He proved to me that high speed internet is something worth dying for.