JJ profile picture


some things are hard to let go, but whats the point of holding on to something that doesnt want you

About Me

my name is jeff . i live in somerdale, new jersey. i love to watch and play football as well as sleep all day and stay up all night. i got some of the greatest friends like robb and kerm. i would have to say they are the 2 greatest guys. they are there for me whenever i need them. every summer i go down the shore with them and have the time of my life. i dont know what i would do w/o the shore its the best. i work at UPS i plan to stay there for a while cuz i really like it. its only like 4-5 hrs a day 5 days a week. umm if u want to know anything else just im me**bballking15** or robb **robbs0216**

My Interests

T.V. and Playing Football, Basketball,....PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, PHILADELPHIA SIXERS, PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES, and of course the PHILADELPHIA FLYERS!! Gotta support my city!***I love Spending time with My girl.She is the best thing that happened to me.......!!!***

I'd like to meet:

Dan marino all tho the eagles are my favorite team and will always be...Dan Marino was my favorite player...pretty much any professional athlete


i listen to rap, hip-hop, and r&b the most, but i like a lil of everything except country


all of the "Rocky" movies are my favorite...but i like a lot of movies...any good sport/comedy/horror/thriller/action movie...no chick flix!!!


espn....all i really watch on tv is movies...or sporting events.


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