Art, Music, Movies, Decorating, Food (cooking, baking and eating), sewing, making jewelry...
Completely depends on my mood - pretty much anything and everything but rap and top 40 pop music. The Beatles, Depeche Mode, Peter Murphy, The Cure, Jeff Buckley, Interpol, Keane, Muse, Tori Amos, Travis, Sarah McLachlan, Rob Zombie, The Killers, Jet, Inxs, 311, Sublime, Deadbolt, Reverend Horton Heat, Nine Inch Nails, Cheesy 80's hair bands like Motley Crue, Skid Row, KISS...Classic Rock-Led Zeppelin, Eagles, The Beach Boys, Elton John, James Taylor...old industrial like Ministry, Sisters of Mercy, and KMFDM...
Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, Braveheart, Terms of Endearment, Beaches, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Lost Boys, True Romance, Office Space, Almost Famous, Rock Star, Nightmare Before Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean, Finding Neverland, okay anything with Johhny Depp as well as anything with Meg Ryan - Sleepless in Seattle. High Fidelity, Better Off Dead - love John Cusak - Ever After, Wedding Singer, Boondock Saints, Oceans 11, Star Wars (all), The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, any period movies (I love the costumes), old black and white movies, anything by Tim Burton, Rob Zombies movies House of 1000 Corpses and The Devils Rejects...
Medium, CSI (mostly the original Las Vegas one), The Office, Rescue Me, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Torchwood, Dr. Who, Pushing Daisies, pretty much anything that is NOT a reality show...I watch TV to get away from reality.
Love to read just haven't had much time lately. Nothing in particular, if it looks good I will pick it up.
Petey. who can accomplish any goal he sets and my parents who raised us to be the close family we are today...