Well, if you mean relationship wise, I'm looking for a female compliment that communicates well, enjoys talking about deep subjects (but knows how to be silly too), has a goal or two (attitude/drive/motivation is important!) and understands responsibilities but also knows how to party when appropriate .Friend wise, just accepting people, cuz i'm weird and shout out movie or southpark quotes at appropriate or inappropriate times. Famous people... well, Bruce Campbell , but other than that, the ones I've wanted to meet are dead (tim leary, wil burroughs, douglas adams). Oh and kevin mitnick, which isn't really that famous but i have mad respect for him. Already met Captain Crunch (crazy guy--but cool). Ooooh -- Trey Parker and Matt Stone . ROCK. HARD. Last but not least, Ray Kurzweil . Actually he's number 1 on my list for the person I'd like to meet the most. There is no one like him.