God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit------------------------------------------------------ ---Christians have the responsibility, entitlement, and the God given right to take America back from the special interests of Anti-Christian extremists. We can accomplish this most noble task by exercising our vote. In this critical and important time, Christians must not be influenced to vote for their personal political preferences or interests, political party affiliation, not their individual financial purposes, nor the pigmentation of a candidate's skin. Vote the Bible on the issues that will determine the fate of America. Vote for the candidates that are pro life, pro traditional marriage, pro prayer in private and public places, and that embrace the Judeo Christian heritage of this nation. This election year is perhaps the most important we have ever faced. With God's blessings and by encouraging our fellow Christians to collectively "Vote The Bible" we can take America back.Christians must be informed in order to vote for individuals or political parties that represent our God given spiritual values. One of the best ways to do this is to become familiar with the positions of the various political parties specifically the two major parties. Below you will find links to the platforms of both the Democratic and the Republican parties. Study both carefully.-------------------------------------------------- ---------- www.votethebible.com/platforms/republican_party_platform_200 8.pdf------------------------------------------------------- -----http://www.votethebible.com/platforms/democratic_party_ platform_2008.pdf