CITY!!! when i should be rovers aye chabber!! Being Ghetto ! Eating Manky Oranges HomebaseE..I..E..I..E..I..o up the football league we go, when we get promotion this is what we sing, we are CITY, we are CITY, Johonson is are king!!
My Real Family a.k.a The BeastsJames BeattieA tasty looking eagle .... if not an old manky orange will suffice !Anybody Ghetto !
any thing hardcore!! TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO !!she h8s the music chabber listens to on her ipod i like it!
Check out me m8's vid, i get to slap Lucas! Good Times
BRING IT ON!!!!! thats the only film that i like ... and ever will !!!!!!!!!
desperate housewives!!! oooohhh the OC um....everyting that on a night n she can recordI shall soon be watching the spanner and chabber show when chabber makes it!!!Obsessed with Reality T.V. also
Books ? what are these books ?
SPANNER N CHABBER!!!!Big Foot !!! ... He's My idolOh and Jade Goody :D