i lOve stars & glitTery stUfFs! chOC'litz :9.. cOz a chOC'lit a day keEps da dOCtOr awei, hehe!Ü ma gUitar, ahuh, ma lifetime boO!Ö i lOve ma fOlKs & chilLin' oUt wit ma frienDs!! i lOve er'thin abOut this liFe.. anD GOD abOve alL thinGs! i lOve cOlOrs espeCialLy p!nK.. foODtrip, danCinG, sinGinG [even on da bathroOm.. *lOlz*], daydreaminG, sUrfin' da net [usualLy ma mail, frienDster, myspaCe & searChin' fO guitar taBs & sOnG lyrYx!], vOicin' out hOw i feEl, sleEpinG, listeninG tO mUsiC [life's nevah cOmplete witOut it!Ü], desiGnin', chiKa galOre, text & telebabaD, gOin' out are jUz few of ma favOrite hObBies!!Ö i can't carRy on witOut ma: phOne, watCh, kiKai kit, hanKie!.. i lOve gOin' outDoOrs cOz i'm aDventurOus.. i lOve spOrts toO liKe basKetbalL, vOlLeybalL & baDmintOn! alsO lOve cars.. cars.. espeCialLy cOnvertible spOrts cars! welL, i'm the mOst uniQue persOn u'lL evah knOw.. sO ya betTah diG in! cOz i'm mO than yOu can imaGine.. *winKs*
*yOu.. yOu.. yOu!!*
~as lOng as yOur nOt ruDe! cOz thaz a tOp nO-nO fO me..Ü~
*sOmeOne speCial??!*
~umMm sOmeone whO's sweEt, respeCtful, respOnsible, clever, fUn ta be wit, niCe anD muCh betTah if yer sOmewhat hoOKeD on mUsiC, cOulD be a frOntman of the banD [haha!Ö], liKe branDOn bOyD *siGh*! hehe.. or sOmeone whO knOws hOw tO play any instrUment espeCialLy da gUitar, pianO or viOlin.. *hOw_rOmantiC*!Ü welL, sOmeone whO's real talenteD.. hmMm, wUt tUrns me on?? gUys whO wear watChes, cOz fOr me, thei loOK smart & as if thei knOw hOw tO use & valUe time!..Ö loOKs? as lOnG as uR a human beinG wit a straiGht genDer, presentaBle, simpLe! cOmpared tO cUte & tO die fO hanDsUmM gUys, there wOulD be a lOtTa cOmpetitiOn, thanKs bUt nO thanKs!Ü i wanNa live in serenity if ya dOn't minD?!.. bUt if ever bLesSeD wit tha' hOtTie, why nOt?! hehe..Ö jUz as lOng as his nOt rUDe fO sUre he's dUmpeD!! anD mOst espeCialLy, sOmeOne whO knOws hOw tO lOve yOu baCK cOz it's hard tO falL in lOve alOne!!..Ö~
+++ jUz adD mOi up [ same at frienDster, seE ya!Ü ]: +++
*[email protected]~*
..m/ rOcK, alternative, pUnK, emO, sKa, sCreamO, sOme pOp.. teChnO.. rNb.. nU wave.. olDies
kilL bilL vOl. 1 & 2, 13 gOinG on 30, anNa anD the kinG, yOu gOt serveD, sO clOse, pirates of the carRibean, harRy pOtTer, the matrix, trOy, lOrD of the rinGs, kinG arthUr, cOUnt of mOnte cristO, hOw tO lOse a gUy in 10 days, cheaper by the dOzen, 50 first dates, twO weEKs nOtiCe, mean girls, cOnfesSiOns of a teEnaGe drama qUeEn, freaKy friDay, kUnG paO, sChoOl of rOCK!!!
mTv rOcK'D, hoOpla, branD new, jams, nOn stOp hits, one baD trip, cribs, the waDe rObsOn prOjeCt, pUnK'D, bOilinG pOint, roOm raiDers, pimp ma riDe, whatever thinGs, wilD bOys, spOnGebOb sQuarepants, baby loOney tUnes, as tOlD by ginGer, mr. bean!, 7th heaven, hamtarO, slam dUnK, yU-gi-oh, pinOi iKaw pinOi.. biG brOther! :D
the DA VINCI cOde, harRy pOtTer, lOrD of the rinGs, memOirs of a geisha, nanCy drew, mythOlOgy!