my interets are plain and simple, i like going to parties to hang out with my friends or just going to their house to hang out even if we're not doing a dam thing. i like playing paintball, driving anywhere at anytime, and going to the mall and movies
santana, steven tyler from aerosmith and vince neil of motley crue besides that i dont care as long as they dont piss me offMetallica - Whiskey In The Jar
my favorite bands are anything from the 70's to 80's and some new bands like foo fighters, nickelback and 3 days grace, but besides that i'll listen to pretty much anything.Metallica - King Nothing
im not really a big fan of the movies unless i go with my friends, but besides that i like horror movies and comedy movies. Favorite movie of all time for me has got to be the series of Saw and Star Wars lol cant beat the classics. i like watching concerts like Motley Crue: Carnival of Sins and some aerosmith, only reason why is probably cause i went to em and they kicked ass.
its been a while since ive actually just sat down and watched tv, but besides that i watch South Park, Family Guy, and sometimes MXC cause theirs nothing funnier then watchin some chinese dudes kicking their own ass on national television lol.Sixx: A.M. - "Life is Beautiful"
heroin diaries by nikki sixx, and the autobiography of motley crue Motley Crue - Misunderstood
so far ive learned in life that their are no heroes, the only people you can rely on are your friends and family. and thats all i got right now and thats all i need. Metallica - Unforgiven 2