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About Me

I'm 24 and single, living in a town in northern Phoenix named Anthem. It's a strange place, blending equally elements of Stepford, Pleasantville, Groundhog Day and Wysteria Lane. The town's MO is in total contrast to my own in that it is the goal of all those, except an exceptional few, who live here to conform, and blend. All are status climbers, which is ironic, since it has always been my belief that once a person obtained success (especially monetary) they would purchase uniqueness. In Anthem, America's ..1 rated planned community, the second a person "makes it" they do a number of things: buy a Hummer, buy the same home that everyone else lives in, rebuild their wives to resemble their neighbor's, and outfit themselves with an arsenal of Tommy Bahama shirts so similar in appearance they rival Mr. Rogers for monotony. In this town where success is measured in CC's, I am unique...I am sub 35, I am not pregnant, and I don't have a set of fake jugs. What I do have is an office here, a one mile commute, and an extreme distaste for early mornings!...unless I'm going hunting. In the summer & fall I live in Montana's Flathead Valley. Montana is where my heart is. Though I like Phoenix for its winter weather, and for what a big city offers, I require the 6 month reprieve in the Northwest from the above described. Montana's people and culture, as well as outdoor recreation are what i am most passionate about in life.

My Interests

Hunting, Laughing, the Ocean, the Opposite Sex, Passive Income, Scottsdale & Dive Bars, Escargot & Fried Chicken, Red Wine & Red Hook, Block Island, the Opposite Sex, Grizzly Football, Carlo Rossi & Lewis & Clark Vodka, Chicken-fried Steak, Labs, Antlers

I'd like to meet:

Single, fly-by-the seat types of people who are struggling to figure out how to be serious about life, yet not neglect all that was grades K through College!


If its good & fits my mood, I don't discriminate. I like rock, old & new, I like metal, I like Hip Hop & Rap, I even like some Pop. Folk, Jazz, latin, and Big Band are cool too. Most, of the time however, my radio is dominated by COUNTRY.


A River Runs Through It, Bloodsport, Point Break, Legends of the Fall, Dances with Wolves, Last of the Dog Soldiers, Crash


Dad, Waylon Robertus