Hunting, Laughing, the Ocean, the Opposite Sex, Passive Income, Scottsdale & Dive Bars, Escargot & Fried Chicken, Red Wine & Red Hook, Block Island, the Opposite Sex, Grizzly Football, Carlo Rossi & Lewis & Clark Vodka, Chicken-fried Steak, Labs, Antlers
Single, fly-by-the seat types of people who are struggling to figure out how to be serious about life, yet not neglect all that was grades K through College!
If its good & fits my mood, I don't discriminate. I like rock, old & new, I like metal, I like Hip Hop & Rap, I even like some Pop. Folk, Jazz, latin, and Big Band are cool too. Most, of the time however, my radio is dominated by COUNTRY.
A River Runs Through It, Bloodsport, Point Break, Legends of the Fall, Dances with Wolves, Last of the Dog Soldiers, Crash
Dad, Waylon Robertus