Daniel and Bobbi Jo profile picture

Daniel and Bobbi Jo

life is short eat desert first

About Me

We love food, movies, fun, the XBOX, and mostly each other......

Myspace Graphics

Daniel is my Super Soldier. He is my one and only, luvs baby

My Interests

things that interest me would be trucks and my girl bob. yes bob is a girl

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet God some day


i listen to about evrything






Myspace Layouts
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Backgrounds
Myspace Comments
Myspace Codes

My Blog


should i sell my 2000 dodge ram which runs perfect but is expensisve to do any thing with such as rims lights and stuff or should i just get a new on with a note but will be new a really nice? pl...
Posted by Daniel and Bobbi Jo on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:01:00 PST