As far as friends go? -Someone that's down to earth, but not so full of themselves that they can't listen to their own advice, or admit that they're wrong.As far as relationships go? - Same thing applies as far as their Ego goes, but I'm trying to get away from my most recent fad of "wanting guys that don't want me", to probably no one at all. Because my last few choices have definitely been holding me back, and I don't think that anyone should. But, if I were to look for someone, they'd have to not be a jackass, be as crazy about me as I am of them, and have an inhuman amount of patience. But more than anything, I want to be with someone that's on the same level that I am. I don't want to compete with someone, or "not be good enough" for someone. I want to be an equal. That's my new "most important trait" that I'm looking for.