A movie star? Famous singer? Influential Politician? Their charm, wit, and talent can be found in the people we meet everyday. Their fame and fortune would not make my life any more meaningful. God? We've met and got to be pretty close. Turns out He's unpredictable, a bit of a drama queen. His evasiveness can be frustrating, elaborating about His plans with you for the day is not one of His strong points. It's hard to understand what He's saying, our communication would greatly improve if He would just speak plain English. We disagree at times but, somehow, He still gets His way. If you haven't met Him, introduce yourself, chat a bit. He's very interesting. His teaching skills are kinda off the wall but you'll learn things you didn't even know you had to! Who then? I'm blessed to have already met the beautiful people who have influenced and enriched my life. There have been moments with people I didn't even know and with friends of many years that made such an impression on me that it changed me, improved me, made me a better human being. To be present at the exact moment a few powerful words are being spoken or to witness a deed or gesture that stirs your soul is something to be grateful for. With friends and strangers, I look forward to meeting more moments in which there are lessons of kindness and compassion,understanding and knowledge, morals and values, obedience and humbleness, and above all, love.