BT TH3 SOXAHOLIC profile picture


But words are things, and a small drop of ink,falling,like dew,upon a thought,produces that which ma

About Me

Rate my poems, Go here =911050010Set target="_blank"Bob ot BT TH3 SOXAHOLICS POETRYHello,My name is Bob or i am otherwise known as Blue Thunder or Bt. These are names that stayed with me throughout the years. I am 38 years old and as you can see a huge Sox fan. I live and breathe the Red Sox. I spend most of my time in front of the TV watching the games or attending them when able. When the season ends i spend most of my time writing poetry that reflects everyday life sitiuations. I, as everone else have dreams and the only two i have i will pursue until i achieve them or pass on so i can leave this world knowing i made every attempt in doing so. I just recently learned another valuable life lesson and that is not to ever take life for granted because it is never forever. We all know this in the back of our minds but never think about it until it's placed before us. Thank God for second chances. It would be awsome if everyone in the world was offered second chances. My Wife Karen did and for that i am most greatful. I am an open minded and straight to the point person and never hold back anything. If there is something on my mind it will be known and not affraid to let it be. I am easy tempered and considered easy to get along with. I have met many,many people throughout my life and there are only a handful that stand out and deserve honorable mention and they know who they are. The people that are closest to my heart. If You are out here browsing profiles and you know me,think you do or just want to say hi then hit me up with a message

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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

If there is one person in the world that would intrest me in meeting it would be Angelina Jolie. Not just because of her incredible body and sex appeal but for all she does for the causes that she chooses to help as well as being an incredible actress. Oh yeah! Did i mention her incredible body. But there are others, Rosa Blasi,J-Lo,Nikki Cox,David Ortiz,Curt Schilling,Jason Varitek,Tim Wakefield,Jonathan Papelbon,Trot Nixon,Jerry Remy,Don Orsillo and last but not least Hazel...


Old School Hip Hop,Rap,Country,Oldies,Country,Soft Rock,Jazz and Blue.


Actions,Comedy,Suspense ...


All Cop related shows,Bones,Oz,Who's Line,The Apprentice and pretty much anything thats reality TV with some exceptions,Grey's Anatomy,all Law and Orders,Dog the Bounty Hunter,American Idol and Desparate Housewives...



My Blog

Just to remember the Sox in "04"

> 'Twas a night in October > In the house that Ruth built. > All the New York fans were praying > That their team would not wilt. > > They looked at the Red Sox > And it sure gave them fits > Long hai...
Posted by BT TH3 SOXAHOLIC on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:38:00 PST