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If there is one person in the world that would intrest me in meeting it would be Angelina Jolie. Not just because of her incredible body and sex appeal but for all she does for the causes that she chooses to help as well as being an incredible actress. Oh yeah! Did i mention her incredible body. But there are others, Rosa Blasi,J-Lo,Nikki Cox,David Ortiz,Curt Schilling,Jason Varitek,Tim Wakefield,Jonathan Papelbon,Trot Nixon,Jerry Remy,Don Orsillo and last but not least Hazel...
Old School Hip Hop,Rap,Country,Oldies,Country,Soft Rock,Jazz and Blue.
Actions,Comedy,Suspense ...
All Cop related shows,Bones,Oz,Who's Line,The Apprentice and pretty much anything thats reality TV with some exceptions,Grey's Anatomy,all Law and Orders,Dog the Bounty Hunter,American Idol and Desparate Housewives...