Scuba Steve profile picture

Scuba Steve

About Me

Layout by CoolChaser
MySpace is the buggiest damn thing since the dawn of Microsoft. Honestly Tom, get a little professional pride already. MySpace is embarrassing.
Disorganized Photos
Pet Videos
Koi: These fish always go crazy when fed.
Lizards: See what happens when brown cats catch a wild lizard.
Tree frogs: See what happens when brown cats play with the loudest and most annoying creatures on earth (well, if you exclude tree huggers).
Christmas Strangulation: See what happens when a cat freaks out over the arrival of a Christmas guest.
College Life
The Pink Elephant (May 2005) - Our next door neighbor got wasted one night and was so bad the medics had to come in. The next night we taped a pink elephant to the side of his door. The guy disappeared after that semester, but 2 years later I caught him on one of those discount network news programs like Dateline. He was being interviewed for a serious gambling problem.
Trip to Denny's (1995) Sarah , Carl, Mendel, George, Steve and I take a trip to Denny's.
Trip at Take-Out (1995) See Take-Out from Sarah's point of view.
The walk to and from Take-Out (1995) See what happened with Sarah , her future husband Carl and me before and after our trip to Take Out.
Stalking Robot Man in the Cafe (5-12-1994) That guy moved in a slow and meticulous way just like a robot. He used to go to the gym and could lift a lot of weight, and I was a friend of a friend of his so I don't think he had any medical problems - therefore it was OK to find him funny.
Solar Eclipse (5-10-1994) - I hear we aren't going to get another one until, like, 1998! Will we have flying cars by then?
I throw cologne on Adam because he stunk. This guy stunk. Fortunately he was lazy so he never actually worked up much of a sweat to feed his bacteria colonies. What was really odd was that he didn't have a french accent. Ernie is the cameraman. (1994)
Dave's prank phone call to Tanya (1994)
Dave's prank phone call to Adam. Greasy Adam was the target of many of our pranks, but was apparently not swift enough to figure out what we were up to (no, I'm telling you; he really wasn't french) The best part of this is that we all lived on the 7th floor and Adam uses the stairs for this! (1994)
Learning to juggle with Nina (May 1993) Nina was cool! But she abandoned WCU for Penn State after her third year so therefore she was only cool until she sucked for leaving.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Support the FairTax

It makes so much sense that even a Hollywood celebrity could understand it, but since it would be beneficial to America none of them will ever support it!

The FairTax: Supported by 0 out of 10 celebrities.
(Can't get a better endorsement than that!)

Update History:
10/31/2007 - Added and removed videos, added LaLaWeen pictures, performed maintenance
10/16/2007 - Added karaoke videos
10/05/2007 - Added Appliance Direct clip
9/29/2007 - Added new karaoke videos, replaced old videos with links to decrease the load time of this page
9/23/2007 - Fought MySpace bugs to upload more videos
9/17/2007 - Added bass fishing videos
9/15/2007 - Moved karaoke videos to the unused "music" section and added many videos.
7/.../2006 - Last major changes (exact changes long forgotten)

My Blog

Obamunism 08?

Well, it appears that Hollywood may have finally succeeded in convincing Americans to obey its commands, but what about those silly rumors of Obama being a socialist?  Do they have merit, or is this j...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 21:00:00 GMT

Democrats + Spineless Republicans = High Energy Costs

Between Democrats pushing their socialist agenda under the guise of environmentalism and wimpy Republicans who fear making waves, the government has spent the past three decades ensuring that the Amer...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 02:00:00 GMT

Blogzilla: Global Warm(monger)ing

"Fear science when science fears debate" Science, by definition, is scientific.  Scientific theories should be supported by data, reviewed, challenged, and modified only to fit the data.  T...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 22:40:00 GMT

Heller vs. DC: Anti-gun crowd has more to lose than an unarmed DC

It’s looking like the Supreme Court justices may actually act like judges instead of legislators in Heller vs. DC.  Now before you get too excited, the court still allows McCain/Feingold t...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:34:00 GMT

My 2nd is on the necessity of the 2nd Amendment at the Federal Level

The anti-gun crowd bends over backwards to deny the 2nd Amendment the meaning that its text gives it, but something amusing occurred to me: the 2nd Amendment isn't even necessary in blocking Federal a...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 18:45:00 GMT

Lies the rainforest zealots told me

One of the things I've learned in life is that you aren't supposed to question environmentalist dogma.  Green claims are somehow inherently valid due to unknown reasons, and any statement questio...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 10:25:00 GMT