i love...
most of my family, e.g my mum...and MY cousin JESS music
naps the sun
pointless laughter huggles
sunrise + sunset taking photographs
chocolate fruit
playing cards moving rooms around
smell of rain animals
rings drunkness
trying new foods camps/retreats with school sleepovers - i want to have a massive one one day :)!
drive in movies
letting ppl i love know that i love them sand, the feeling of it on my skin ooooo
dressing up!
my baby brother
Rippin' up the dance floor, the way BOSCONIANS do it!!!haha Midori...!yum
guys waistesfriendly smiles or good mornings from strangers/old people -makes my day hehe
writing + receiving letter/notes
walks and runs on the beach :)
reading about places to travel to
cups of tea
colouring in
the childhood game, heads down thumbs up!
MUSIC music music