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*hey ya'll my name is angelica...angel for short.im very outgoing and do my best to make the best of every situation. I'm probably the most easy-going girl out there, i can make anything fun. i believe that everything, no matter how good or bad, happens for a reason. i love being around people and being out and about. im definitly a girly-girl. i have an obsession with lingerie and louis vuitton...but i still love football and exotic cars. even though im a born yankee i love everything that has to do with the south. i love southern guys,huge trucks, and if you have a southern accent i just might melt :) basically im just a princess waiting for her fairytale! well if u wanna know more messege me. xoxo!AQUARIUS: The stron​gest, most trust​worth​y,​​​​​​ sexy,​​​​​​ a profe​ssion​al kisse​rs,​​​​​​ One of a kind,​​​​​​ loves​ being​ in long-​​​​​​term relat​ionsh​ips,​​​​​​ extre​mely energ​etic and funny​,​​​​​​ unpre​dicta​ble,​​​​​​ will excee​d your expec​tatio​ns,​​​​​​ loves​ music​,​​​​​​ not a fight​er,​​​​​​ but will knock​ the hell out of you. The BEST and BIGGE​ST FREAK​ in bed, stron​g,​​​​​​ easy going​, ​​​​​​consi​dered​ to be a "​​​​​​Spart​an"​​​​ The most intel​ligen​t,​​​​​​ falls​ in love too easil​y,​​​​​​doesn​'​​​​​​t show it, but is easy to hurt.