WHAT CAN I favORIte color is bLack,lavEndEr,sILvER,rEd,whItE. lOvE LOnG Island IcEd tEa's. tEqUILa shOts, corona's, tres amigos,amf.LOvE music dEfInEtEly mUsIc LOVER and I LOVE STARS( maybe a little more addicted to them,LOL),I bELIEvE In ANGELS( I COLLECT THEM BOTH). I am nOt a pErfEct pErsOn,thERE's Many thInGs I wIsh I dIdn't dO,bUt I cOntinUE lEaRnInG. COld hEaRtEd at tIMEs tO pROtEct MysELf.LOUd,sERIOUs,cRAzy,bUt knOws whEn tO havE fUn at thE RIGht tIME,LOvE tO LAUGh, vERy MystERIOUs,sOMEtIMEs shy, vERy UnpREdIctabLE,caRInG, OpEn MIndEd, SomeTimeS SArCaSTiC. I LOVE IcE cREaM!! stRAawbERRy and stRawbERRy shAkEs.I try tO thInk that tOMORROw wILL bE a bEttEr day.paREnts aRE thE fIRst in My LIfE. my first priority is to be happy.JUdGe mE, I dOn't caRE,nO OnE Is pERfEct. GEt IntO my LIfE yOU'LL nEvER UndERstand.tRy tO UndERstand It and yOU'LL GEt shocked? EvErythIng happEns fOR a REasOn. te extraÑo mas que nunca y no se que hacer. despierto y te recuerdo al amanecer. me espera otro dia por vivir sin ti. el espejo no miente, me veo tan differente, me haces falta tu. La gente pasa y pasa siempre tan igual, el ritmo de la vida me parece mal, era tan diferente cuando estabas tu. si que era diferente cuando estabas hay nada mas dificil que vivir sin ti. sufriendo en la espera de verte llegar. el frio de mi cuerpo pregunta por ti,y no se donde estas. si no te uvieras ido seria tan feliz. = just hope you come back safe!!!
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