I love absolutely LOVE sports...other than that i enjoy going out with my friends bowling,pool, playing sports, or just having a night on the town . When I come home after a long day of work i like to flip on the tv and see whats going on.
I'm basically into any type of music except country, but for the right person i could make an exception..*wink wink*
I love comedies or any type of funny movies whatsoever. As long as the movie is decent I'll watch just about anything.
sports,sports and more sports
dont have much time on my hands for books but do like to read..
My hero is my mother. She went thru hell to raise me alone by herself and for that i give her all of my respect and appreciate everything that'd been done for me.
50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? with
Prefer black or blue pens? black
Dress up on Halloween? no
Like to travel? yes
Like Someone? oh yeah...
Do they know? yes
Who sleeps with you every night? my conscience
Think you're attractive? yes
Want to get married? yes
To: if i knew that id be married already
Are you a good student? not lately
Are you currently happy? at times
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? no/yes
Birthplace? chicago
Christmas or Halloween? christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? colored
Do long distance relationships work? hell no
Do you believe in astrology? to an extent
Do you believe in love at first sight? nah
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? no
Do you drink? sporadically
Do you make fun of people? big time
Do you think dreams eventually come true? in this capitalist society they have to
Favorite fictional character? napoleon dynamite .."idiot!!!.."
Go to the movies or rent? go
Have you ever moved? yes
Have you ever stolen anything? yes
How's the weather right now? beautiful
Last time you cut your hair? 2.5 weeks ago
Last person you talked to on the phone? my boss
Last time you showered? half hr ago
Loud or soft music? soft
Mcdonalds or Burger King? burger king
Night or day? day
Number of pillows? 2
Piano or guitar? piano
Future job? regional vice president
Current job? regional manager(same occupation)
Current love? hmm....
Current longing? hmmmmmm.....
Current disappointment? none!!! : )
Current annoyance? the speed limit!!
Last thing you ate? pizza
Last thing you bought? paste for my hair
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? quitting harlem furniture!!!!!
What are you hearing right now? get up-ciara,chamillionaire
Plans for the weekend? going to michigan,work
What did you do today? not much..gym later
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? .."im bringin sexy back.."
Pick a movie quote? .."who does number 2 work for?!.."
Kill'n Time
When was the last time you had popcorn and watched a movie at home? 3 days ago
How many alarm clocks do you use? 1
What or who first got you into myspace? i dont remember actually
How loud do you play music when you drive? as loud as the speakers allow
What size shoe do you wear? 10.5
Is it the same size when you wear sandals? yes
Have you ever been out of the country? no
Where would you travel to if you could hop on a plane right now? canada
How many hours of sleep do you get on an average night? 7-8
Are you a morning person or a night person? morning
Have you ever been too scared to make the first move? yes
Did you end up missing out? no
How do you determine whether or not someone is compatible with you? first 5 mins
How long does it take you to discover this upon first meeting them? see above
Which do you prefer: hicks or bikers bikers
Would you ever consider climbing Mt. Everest? hmm...maybe drunk
Have you ever been called a tease? yes
Are you a good kisser? ive been told i am
Do you believe there is life out in the galaxy(ies)? cant say i care
Are you allergic to anything? no
Which is better: sugar or honey? sugar
Love or Money? love
Children or a successful career? successful career
Mountains or the Beach? beach
Bonfires or fireplace? fireplace
Would you ever go sky diving? see mt everest question
What is your biggest fear? failure
Is there any way you could possibly prevent it from happening? effort
Do you prefer gum or mints? gum
Cameras or video cameras? video cameras
Can you type fast? 30 words per minute..is that fast?
Where did you learn how to type? computer info tech(mr. campos..lol)
Do you prefer going to the beach at night or going for a joyride at night? joyride
Pens or pencils? pens
Blue or black ink? black
Do you enjoy sushi (with or without the raw fish)? yeck
If your house was on fire & you could save only one thing/item from your room, what would it be? cell phone/wallet
Which parental figure do you respect more: your mom or dad? mother
Why did you choose them over the other? long story..u dont wanna know
Why is the ocean blue? why is piss yellow?? i dont know
Who really invented the internet? some geek
Are you allergic to any type of food? didnt i answer this??
Do you prefer rap or rock music? both
Which movie(s) do you prefer: Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter? neither
Pop Quiz: Is the U.S. currency backed by gold? (don't look it up you dork!) id like to phone a friend...
Why aren't American's actively seeking alternate means of energy for transportation? (other than petroleum) were americans..need i say more?
Do you prefer the Jetson's or the Flintstones? jetsons
The Simpson's or Family Guy? simpsons
Full House or Family Matters? family matters
Salute your Shorts or Legends of the Hidden Temple? huh??
Xena: Warrior Princess or Hercules? yikes..neither
What is your favorite dog bred? poodle..jk...husky
Are you afraid of reptiles? no
What is, in your opinion, your best physical attribute? eyes/lips
Do you think you have a good sense of humor? definitely
What makes you unique? being me
If you could change one thing you did/did not do TODAY, what would it be and why? nothing...live with no regrets
Have you ever played Texas Hold'em? um no..
Do you enjoy sports? If so, what is your TOP favorite sport to play or watch? basketball..go hornets!!!!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? happy and financially secure!!!
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