~Alicia~ profile picture


Just want to say thanks to the people who talk shit, glad you have time in your day to think about m

About Me

Well, what can I say about me...I am a workaholic..plain and simple. I am often tryin to do about fifty different things at one time..I always feel like a need a clone or four...Now in the summer I only have one job, but I am there what feels like 24/7. I run my own restaurant, so maybe that would explain to alot of people why I am often stressed out and tired....I want to get another job, just because I like to have money to kinda play with, but lets see... Other than working and working. I am just an ordinary person I think.. I have been told that I am mean..Well, in truth, I can be a real bitch..I don't like drama, so I try to avoid that..I am an easy person to get along with and I love to laugh...other than that, if you want to know anything or just say hello, don't be afraid..

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Alice in Wonderland - Image Hosting

My Interests

I love to cook..Surprise, surprise! I also love to read, fight with my silly puppies, and hang out with my three beautifully awesome neices! Shoppin and runnin away on weekend excursions is also kinda cool....

I'd like to meet:

I would most definetely love to meet Rachel Ray from Food Network.. I think she is awesome and seems to be so down to earth and easy going...or maybe just all the chefs from Food Network...that would be awesome!


Hip-Hop, R&B, but mostly anything that sounds good and has a good beat....but not anything that will bore me to tears!


My all time favorite is Poetic Justice...And then well, Alice in Wonderland of course!!!


Days of Our Lives, Food Network, Football!!!!


I love reading!!!! Dean Koontz, Stephen King, John Saul....ok, pretty much anything that has words and is interesting!


My Brother, for many, many reasons...