..bLiNg-BLiNg.. MuSiC.. dAnCiNg.. EaTiNg.. PhOnEbUsTeR.. HaNgInG oUt WiT mAh FwEnDz.. BeReT.. nUmBaH 19.. bLaH bLaH!!!
bEiNg DoWn WiTh SoMeThInG... ..WiTh A gReAt SeNsE oF hUmOr.. FuN tO bE wItH.. uNg TiPoNg HiNdI mE mAbObOrInG.. [email protected] [im out!!]
RnB .. RaP/ HiP-HoP... rOcK... \m/
the fast and the furious, little_nicky, 2fast 2furious, blue streak., cruel_intentions, the big hit., save the last dance, 8mile, bring it on, sugar and spice, the ring 0, 1, 2, ghost ship, training day, scorpion king, the mummy, two can play that game..the grudge..
..tUpAc... ShInChAn.. SpOnGe bOb.. nYaHaHa!!!