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Jay Sherman

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About Me

Hello,my name is Jay Sherman, and I am New York’s Third most popular early morning cable tv film crrrritic! I am the son to ex-governor of New York Frank Sherman, and his loving wife and former debutante, Eleanor Sherman. you probibally know me as a film critic, a truck driver, a war hero, a 2 time pulitzer prize winner and an early morning "english for Cab Drivers" host, but I was also a writer for awhile. I had a hand in writing the classic film flop Ghost Chasers 3. it is also because of movies such as this one that the big time film producers in Hollywood should be hunted down and shot by anyone with a gun, baseball bat, torch or pitchfork. may I just add that the majority of films that have come out these past two decades have been nothing but CRAP!! What happened to Hollywood? Plainly and simply.....IT STINKS!here I have a rare treat for you. the classic Mrs. Pell's Fishstick commercial nararated by Orson Wells... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..

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