I dig taking photos. That's my major, you know? Writing is a lovely past time and I like to partake in that as well. I love, love, love spending time at church. It can't be beat. Rockin' out at a six dollar concert is always a blast as well.
Lots of nice people. That's all
Anything that is good. I'm into Blue Grass a bit. What I love the most is when I'm with friends, and someone picks up a guitar, and we jam out. I dig going to see local Music too. HelloGoodbye, Remedy Drive,...are you out there right now reading this. I love you all.
I love "Return of the Jedi" so much.
Amazing Race is AMAZING. I also love American Idol. Don't laugh, just watch.
THE BIBLE, British Lit. (Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis), fairy tales, sci-fi, Harry Potter (don't laugh, just read), and anything that gets me away from the daily grind.
Ruth is my hero. I want to be a hard worker and find the Christian man of my dreams by the providence of God.