Home for the summer. Buff State for the rest...
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com
Those who aren't afraid to be themselves. Stick Stickley. Vince Vaughn. Djimon Hounsou. Jeffree Star. Oh, and a MEAN dark pair of shades.
I love oldies. I enjoy anything I can dance to. I'm into a lot of different things these days.
I love M. Night Shyamalan's films,V for Vendetta,The Matrix Trilogy, PootieTang, Resident Evil, Secretary, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rush Hour2, GoneWithTheWind, BlairWitchProject,The Hours,The Best Man, LoveandBasketball,TheLastSamuri,TheFifthElement, ...
Chappelle Show, Family Guy, Miami Ink, Boondocks, Project Runway, SpongeBob, George Carlin's stand-up or Ellen's stand-up, The Food Network, MTVU...
The Giver and Le Petit Prince.
Tyrone Biggums.