Dan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a Software Engineer living in Jacksonville Florida. I have a BS in Computer and Information Sciences from the University of North Florida.I like listening to music, futzing with computers, reading, gaming (when I have the time), running cross country, swimming, going to the gym, watching movies, listening to music, hanging out with my friends, socializing, going to the pool or beach, and just having a good time at whatever I can. (-:

My Interests

Computers, Gaming, Running, Swimming, Anime, Movies, Software Development, Music, Technology, Meeting New People


Jurassic Park, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Lord of the Rings, I Robot, Saving Private Ryan, Army of Darkness, 300, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Transporter


Family Guy, Futurama, Mythbusters, How its Made, Dirty Jobs, Bleach, Naruto


The Chronicals of Narnia, The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Discworld Series


Ross Perot. No, seriously. Any business man who hires mercenaries to go into a foreign country and rescue his trapped employees is cool in my book. (-: