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Life is not the same for everyone. What is good for one person may not be good for another. What seems to be a good parent may not seem to be a good parent to someone else. Children may not act all the same and others reject them for it.As a child to feel less then is not okay. For, one person may see something another may not. To be talked down to and talked about is hurtful and crul towards a child.To take a look at where I come from and judge my life today I would say life is ok. From the parenting I use to do, to the parenting I do today is not comparable. For my children have a warm house to come home to (not prefectly clean) no, but it's our home.Now, I know what my mother was talking about when she said you will work your ass off and there is always one person who will judge you and put you down. For, they may not know what you walk through day by day.I am not the perfect mother nor, do I say I am. What I do know is this, We get up ever morning, my kids put on clean clothes and are able to eat breakfest. We walk out our own front door into our own cars and head off to work or school. We are able to foucs on our day and not live in the fear that drugs or issues will arise from our past life styles.For one to judge our ability to parent they must be a parent. To walk in childrens lives, is a huge responsibilty that not everyone is capable of handling.Today I have 4 WONDERFUL children. I do the best I can on a daily basis. I am not a prefect parent nor, do I expect my children to be prefect children. My children are loving, caring, and giving kids. They get a little crazy at home and push me to my limit but they are mine. They are children it is their job to be just that, CHILDREN.I know in my heart that I am a good mother today. There are something to be worked on but if there was nothing to work on then I would never grow. What kind of life would I have if I couldn't do any more growing?I have a great job (the same job for 3 years). I have my own car, a wonderful husband and good friends. I have all 4 of my kids in one house and we care for them. For once in my life I don't get help from the goverment. We get to do this thing called life. We get to work recovery. We get to grow and change. We are a good family!!!! I love my life today and would not change anything. This one is for my kids. I LOVE YOU.... girls layout @ HOT MyHotCommentsHotFreeLayouts