Cars...Drawing....Motorcycles..Reading...Watching movies...Cadavers..and cutting them up...
Holden Caulfield
Im pretty mellow with music. I dont try to limit myself to a certain type. Instead I look for which music has an life behind it.(Sorry hip-hop, youre just too fake for me) I like jazz, rock, electronica(haha life?), and pretty much anything in between. I try to have random songs on my myspace because Im always changing. Like a freaking river!
One thing you have to know about me, Im a huge movie fan. I believe they are the great playwrites of our time. I enjoy: Pulp fiction or anything by Quinten for that matter. Fight club, memento, The Royal Tenembaums, American History X, Clerks, Dogma, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Donnie Darko! Chut Up, 28 days later, Shaun of the dead, the departed, little miss sunshine, pans labrynth, seven, kung fu hustle, and I dont know!
To be serious, I don't really like TV all that much. Most of the shows really piss me off. Im a big fan of, Family Guy you have to love it. Simpsons..thats no question.....ATHF...Venture Brothers...Futurama is pretty much God. I might be in love with scrubs but I wouldnt worry too much about that.
Now I feel all guilty..I havent been reading as much as I should...I really liked the Giver...simple but still great. Catcher and the rye....Old man and the sea....and..I really like Othello. Thats about it sorry to dissapoint you.