ive been making electronic music in the studio since i got my first drum machine around 1991 and the sound of the TB-303 made my guitar sound boring. before going all electronic, i was playing guitar, bass, drums, and keys in various post-punk/industrial bands around chicago.
ive been doing live PA as Magnum PA in Portland since i moved here in 2001, in the midwest as Chris Leighty since 1995, along with production work for a few bands along the way. Magnum PA is currently dance friendly techno/electro but i also experiment with drumnbass, dub, downtempo, breakbeat, hiphop, acid house, industrial, ambient, mashups, remixes and more, including a few movie soundtracks, and even audio production/post for community radio WFHB, back in the midwest. in addition, i'm the key masher/drum basher/button pusher/knob twister in People Generate Energy aka Portland General Electro (myspace.com/wearepge).if you want more info, im moving the way-too-long bio to the blog...