Legends come and legends go, what side of the story would you choose to stay?What do I look for? Well... someone who can challenge me. Someone willing to take an ordinary day and turn it into an all day adventure. And please, exclude sex, not all good movies have sex involved.Who am I? Well, I know I'm sensible, I know I can be easily touched, and I know I've stopped caring much for looks. See, looks distract me for a little while, but if there's no connection, then I soon get bored and distant.On the other hand, if there's a connection, while no physical attraction, the second can easily grow from teh first. When you start really caring for someone, you stop caring about the way they look.I think I'm on that point of my life where I'm ready to dive into a LTR again, but I don't have the time. Which is sad, because that's the only way I get sex ;)But maybe more than a LTR, what I really need is a friend. I came to this country and had to addapt to a system very different than where I come from. I don't know if that's the reason I don't have a really close "gay friend". I certainly didn't have any lack of them back in Venezuela.I consider myself someone very mature for my age. Maybe sometimes a little more than I should be. I'm more turned on by an estimulating conversation than by a good body, tho I must admit I love some expresive eyes.I don't ask for much. I just want someone to care for and cares for me. I know that's really hard to find, but I always keep the hope one day that guy will come across.The rest is written in the stars... or maybe in a napkin tossed at a lonely street...