The Ressurection Of Hip-Hop profile picture

The Ressurection Of Hip-Hop

Niggleys look at me with nothing to say...Funny how the words come when I walk away.

About Me

.. - Get Your Own
The Mind is a terrible thing to waste, and that's why I don't waste it. Life is to short and that's why I don't waste time. Time is of the Essence and that's why I value each breath. A woman's love is like an eternity in paradise and that's why I would never disrespect a woman. I don't like people in my business so I stay out of theirs. Don't start shyt if you don't want me to finish it. Don't whisper I'm going to hear about it anyway. Don't talk about me then smile in my face all it's going to do is make me laugh at you. If you don't like this then you don't like me. And believe it or not if I don't know you then you don't exist. That's not being arrogant. And I'm not going to explain it...Go think about it...If you think you can tolerate me then hit me up. If not keep going over my page you'll learn I'm actually a nice person.How Experienced A Kisser Are You?
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If You Really Must Know

Just to end all the Questioning maybe this will answer all your questions:
    No I Don't have a Girlfriend Chances are I don't think you are pretty If I haven't already told you so No I won't act like I know you to impress your friends No I'm not stuck up I just stay on top of the game People who say they aren't shallow but only accept friends wit pictures are full of shit I'm only interested in you if you look like somebody on my friends list so why not try your luck and make it on it I'm not an asshole I just hate people who ask dumb ass questions The Person who said the only dumb question is the one thats not asked is a liar If you can't rap/dance then don't do it Don't test me, being a Myspace Gangster will do nothing but make you look stupid I got the banner at the top of my page from Somaya Reece Yes Haters Keep Talkin Shit You Are Making Me Famous If I don't comment your page dont comment me asking why I'll laugh at you and your desperation(Close Friends Are Different) Close friends are people who I know outside of Myspace Yes One Chick Fucked it up for the rest so it'll take more for me to be interested in you Any lady I'm interested in on my friends list lives in either Jersey, Michigan, California, New York, Florida or Maryland. Your state not mentioned tell me why it should be. Yes I do hang with models and talk models often The answer to the question do I think you caould be a model, shouldn't have to be asked I often see the potential in people that they cant see for themselves. Showing it to them is the hard part Any guy who seriously disrespects a woman isn't a man The most beautiful woman is the one with the heart of a mother, the soul of a goddess, and carries herself like a queen. Don't understand ask me to explain

Any Question I didn't answer message me or comment and ask I'll be sure to answer it

Your Words Can Be Lovely or Your Words Can Be Weapons...Choose wisely

My Interests

Click here to play big version!!

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd Like To Meet
Somaya Reece Will Smith Eminem TI Serena Williams Maybe You Beautiful People


Whats your sex style?
One Of A Kind Sex Style

You never ask for want you really want.Instead you give her everything she could ever dream for. And because of this rather she's single or not she knows who to go to make her dreams come true!!!!!!

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Dizzy Mix It Up on WMUR


My kind of movie is one you can watch, and I'm not getting smart I'm telling the truth. LMAO my favs are Men In Black 1 and 2, Bad Boys 1 and 2, Legend of Bagger Vance, Hitch, and Irobot... Don't all those movies have something in common? Super Mario Bros. in VICE CITY GTA
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Boondocks is the best show on television. Why? Because I'm about standing up for the little guy as long as they earn it and Boondocks os a very activist cartoon. (Bush might get me for sayin that. *Oh no the white vans are pulling up)


Screwtape letters, Great Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises, Native Son, and Hocus Pocus... All the good stuff
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Greed: 90%
Pride: 95%
Wrath: 80%
Sloth: 40%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 79%
You'll die while in the throws of hot passionate... - the best way to go. How Sinful Are You?


Billie Holiday and Others

Katt Williams - Self Esteem Issues (Bitches!)

Add to My Profile | More VideosWhat Mythological creature are you?

Well where to start, You tend to like to seem normal around others to disquise your true self, for your poor unsuspecting food *cough* I mean friends, they wont know what hit them. You like to read and look to the full moon on the sky wich will keep your natural enemy at bay or closer to you, You enjoy being alone and listening to quiet calm soothing music. Enjoy you blood-sucking fiend!

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My Blog

I need a wee bit of advice...

This really isn't my style...This whole askin for advice thing but I've been thinking about this for a week....And I'm ticked because this is the second time I had to type this because MYSPACE messed ...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 04:35:00 PST

For The Eyes of the Divine PBC Family

I really think everyone should know we are pretty close to being what the founders of PBC were.. They after Rev. David E. Over was removed from the original church some 200 members left and they ...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:29:00 PST

Moment Of Truth

As I sit waiting for choir rehearsal I worry. Not about the rehearsal but about my state of being. See for those who know about the Hallelujah remix, I have hit a mental roadblock and I am not 100% su...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:20:00 PST

Mental Reconstruction (*Letter)

To all those Reading: I have come to a realization that may be hard to swallow for some. I realize that for some areas the civil rights movement did more harm then good. Today when you look at Baltimo...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 04:15:00 PST

What A Fool

Sometimes I wonder whose the foolIs it me or is it you.See I had my shot and blew it and now you letting this nigga play you like a fool.I tell you and all you say is he wouldn't do that at least not ...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST


I really need to take a break...I need to get away something fierce...I really need to just disappear for a while...Just leave for a few days and take a breather...I have way to many headaches in one ...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:49:00 PST

I must....

I must have a lot on my mind and not realize it because this is like my 12th blog this week. But I really think this is a good way to keep a cool head and clear mind...Including the shockingly good co...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 08:24:00 PST

Mind Of A Billionaire.

I figure I might as well kill a lot of brids with one Blog...These are all my confessions...Unless you are one of the people who know without a doubt I like you chances are I don't....Within the next ...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:54:00 PST

I realize now...

I realize some people may love you but that doesn't mean they realize what they do. See now I have strong feelings for this young lady and for some reason it seems like she likes angering me...See I'l...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:25:00 PST

Chill Little Ones

This is funny I have a friend who is very dear to my heart...In fact I would go far enough as to say she is my heart, anyway I was having a bad day so I decided to give her a call since for some reaso...
Posted by Order My Steps... on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:19:00 PST