I love to Shop! I love to shop for purses and shoes. I like MonKeYs don't ask me why. I love to kickbox..I enjoy kickin' ass. I like to play sports. I love to Dance. I like to spend time with my family and friends. I love to spend as much time as I can with my boyfriend, since I don't get to see him as much.
Andrea --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Kisses to your BUTT!!
Brenda and Me...I miss you Girly!
my other Brenda
even to my crazy girls..that live in Germany!
Johnny Deep!! ..seriously can he get any hotter?? Shakira (cause she can dance)..and the sexiest baby in the world...STEWIE!!******************mY COUSiN Andie...AND ..ME. We are the two ANDIE'S of the family :)
I like all types of music...But Im not too much into that whole hard rock :(
I like comedy, action, and girly movies. But I hate scary movies. *50 first dates *The Matrix *V for Vendetta *Dirty Dancing *The Notebook*****
CSI - The Simpsons - Family Guy
The House on Mango Street and Caramelo***********
My Parents