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About Me

YES!! I LOVE Music and all its people.. To much Music Not Enough Time.. Rockon everyone.. JOEYDJoey d was born and raised in New Jersey. Joey got his first guitar at the age of 12 and never put it down. Influenced by Zepplin, Bob Dylan, The Eagles and Pink Floyd; also including current artists who allowed his style to have diverse development. Discovering music through his ears has given him a distinct sound and unique feel for his guitar playing. Currenty working with up and coming artists such as; Tara lea, Jon Gambino,to name a few. Joey also freelanced as an audio engineer for the music industry based out of New York City. He worked with Gibson Guitars, NBC, BMI, ASCAP, Pete Fornatale from WNEW/Mixed Bag Radio and other artists. He recorded for XM Radio and provided sound support for live events throughout the city. This provided Joey with one of the best audio engineering experiences he could have. In 2008 Joey Had spent time with The Kin supporting there recordings of Rise and Fall Album recent release and Road managment. Joey is currently song writing and producing independent artists and supporting the release of all their albums due out This season :}

My Interests


Member Since: 06/02/2006
Band Website: Coming Soon
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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