**SooVAC is located in the LynLake neighborhood of Uptown Minneapolis. SooVAC's primary goal is to show challenging contemporary artwork that engages individuals and communities.**Shop Soo Too is now open with new and exciting locally crafted miscellaneous items!**Our hours of operation are: T 10-6 | W 10-6 | Th 12-8 |
F 10-6 | Sa 10-4 | Sun 12-4 |Current Exhibitions at Soo VAC:In the Main Gallery: PAPER TIGER New Works by John Vogt
September 1 - October 26, 2008In Gallery Too: Minneeatures by PLASTICGOD
September 1 - October 26, 2008**For more information on upcoming events and exhbitions visit our website at www.soovac.org